
Cinescussion - Episode 7 - The Alien & Predator Film Franchises

Dillon & Fortune Season 1 Episode 7

The Alien and Predator franchises are two of the most iconic intellectual properties in the Sci Fi film industries history. How do you feel both franchises are doing lately? Well sit back, relax, and maybe crab some popcorn as we break down these terrifying stories and the iconic characters that made the franchises so memorable. James Wan also released an interesting horror film called Malignant that we saw and we are a bit torn on this film but it's DEFINITELY worth talking about because it's also very interesting. Marvel recently released Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings and Dillon talks about it a bit due to Fortune not being able to see it over the weekend. He has seen it since and really enjoyed the film.

Film Discussed:
Alien | Aliens | Alien 3 | | Prometheus | Alien Covenant | Alien Resurrection | Predator | Predator 2 | Predators | The Predator |Alien Vs Predator | Alien Vs Predator Requiem | Malignant | Marvel Shang-Chi Legend of The Ten Rings

As always, thanks for joining us movie, video game, and television lovers and we hope you enjoy the episode.

                                                                                                      -Dillon & Fortune

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Ep7.mp3 - Transcript
 This transcript was auto transcribed so it may not be perfectly accurate.

Hi, everyone, this is Dylan. And this is Fortune also known as a Restless mind on YouTube, and welcome to episode 7 of Santa scussion and we are doing this through Discord due to me being sick. Luckily, not covid, but trying not to get Dylan are here sticks. So sorry if the sound quality isnt as perfect. What kind of makeshift saying this? But? Yeah. Ive avoided any type of cold or cough for this entire pandemic. So thank you. I did not want to break my streak this day or any other. I got it from my brother whos my roommate downtown? Well, welcome back, everyone. Today. We have a really fun topic. We have a couple movies that recently came out that we were able to see that. Were going to go into our full review, but just are our feelings on the films and just some quick. Whats the word? Im looking for Impressions into? Then I couldnt find it. I could not work in fractions of good considering one of them and then after that the bulk of our podcast, they were to be diving into our thoughts and feelings over the entire Alien versus Predator, I guess. Franchise, Saga movies, franchises. So yeah, both franchises, I guess. Where are we been able to watch most, if not all of the films in each of the past two weeks. I was unable to complete them all, but at this point now I was able to complete seven of them and Ive seen them all except for one with a shame black part of their Good Fortune seen that and hell be able to dive into how much Im not missing anything. Ye But lets kick things off, man. So, I was able to see a couple movies over the last two weeks. One. We washed on HBO. It was malignant. We were able to watch that at home by James Wan and Warner Brothers deal with HBO on at home and in theater, simultaneous releases, and then I was also able to see Shan XI in the theaters. And at one of these movies, I left. Oh, man. I really enjoyed one of these movies. James Wan. Its actually a fan would be a good word. This horror masterminds. What did you think of this movie Fortune malignant? So this film is the best way to put it is. I find it interesting. Now it interesting is not good if it is, but it is interesting to me this felt like a film that James Wan picked up and did in between doing Aquaman like one and two and it sounds. It seems like he was trying to play essentially cuz it cuz the plot the idea definitely is tricky to direct well and to pull it off because there are things about the character that I found interesting when the carrot character would show up the villain of the piece is what Ill say. And I thought that the scenes were the with the thing is, if its really upsetting what they shown to me though. Is that the first Hour or so. Its, its feels really generic and a lot of ways. Like, even though there is some cool shots and here and there, like theyre murder scenes, the script. Everything feels almost like a, like, kind of a straight to video by like not in terms of production quality, but the script and the characters and stuff. They just feel really subpar. But one thing I thought was interesting, was under the villain, showed up. They had this odd way that they were moving. And it almost gave me some if you ever saw the the movie from like the 90s called the arrival, it gave me some of those vibes here and there and I I thought that it was just a directorial decision cuz it was creepy and I cuz all the directors do stuff like that. Just cuz its creepy. What I like about it is the twist of the movie. Essentially is the best way to put it is. If you seen a lot of movies like this, its exactly what you thought it was going to be. But in no way in the way that you thought it was,. So, I feel like the twist of the movie basically leads to this like 10 to 15. 10 minute long action, sequence. Thats like awesome. Like its like a 10 out of 10. Theres also another Chase sequence in the film between the detective, one of the detectives, and the villain. Thats really awesome to. And I would say that those are the best parts of the thumb. So essentially the best parts of the Falmer. When it becomes like this kind of action the lyrics, and it seemed like he was kind of having fun with, you know, drastically switching genres very quickly and I dont think that that that theres a problem that can work but I think the problem is when the first hour of the film isnt that great? And it doesnt have any interesting characters except for the lead, basically. Kylie did not care about anybody else in the film and then by the time that happened just, it feels more like this really awesome segment in the middle of a film. Thats not very good. And then after that action set piece, theres the ending was just kind of makes you while youre acting. Kind of like, is it a good movie? No, but I thought it was. I thought thats what I thought those sections were very interesting is the best way to put it. And I guess thats the, thats me saying. Everything I have to say about that one. What about you doing? What did you think? Yeah, this this entire movie we talked about it. I think two nights ago over text message really briefly. And I stand by my thoughts that fits just felt like a giant pot of James Wan things around in start together with a terrible threats. I think that like it has these really cool, circular tracking shots. Youve seen him do another movies that has these, like haunted house section. That youve seen him do another movies with these really cool. Screenshots That You Dont See often, where they dont cut away. Like I remember, theres a shot where a character goes down into the first floor of his home and, you know, haunting things start happening. A blender turns on a door. Opens, and he walks over, and theres this figure sitting on his couch. And he, yeah, lets go out and the camera never Cuts. He turns the light back on and its on. And then you Steve the couch kind of cool the house down video game. I was really cool. Yeah, that was really cool to. But with that being said, there are these cool things that kind of feel like his Stables now that have in the movie, but I felt like there was no quality control at the acting. I didnt feel like this suspense or the editing was a strong as any of his other movies. Im going to go back to the acting. I think the lead actress in this movie. Just backpacks this whole film, like every other character around her. I dont know. Was there anybody to just be like, hey, lets do another take was there. Anybody to display? Lets try that one more time. Maybe they got her from peaky, blinders. And then the rest of the budget with took was to pay James Bond, right? Exactly. And unfortunately you do there is there is a cool reveal in the movie. Thats all Ill say about that, but thats thats moving in this really weird way. Im in my head. Im like, okay, thats kind of cool. But also, Im like, oh no, its the backwards man. You said it that way? I was going to say something else. When I realize that might be a spoiler. No spoilers, but I was interesting. But up until theres that the hell I didnt think it was that cool. I know it. No, not not, not at all. Id like, its not good in them. Thats cool. But thats about it at. The other thing is, I just want to say when will just go with that code name, when the back towards me. Has revealed, does it not seem to me like to you like the costume is basically? The pig costume from Saw with the long coat just minus the pig face with the different taste with the long hair stick. Yeah, yeah, you know I was trying to think like to get this was hard getting better. So there is a movie that it does hearken back to, but I think Avon lady so Im not going to say it because it was a little bit of a spoiler other than like that story plot point. I was like, what is this harking back to like I wasnt supposed to occur 80s movie. No. Its not supposed to park in the 80s is like a 90s. Slasher know. It doesnt feel like that and I was like, did you just do like a weird call back movie to the early 2000? Slept like, Im going to make a horror film. That becomes like an action film, but ends as a horror film it, its like, I dont think that Im not saying that that cant work, but the horror film building up to it, has to be good. Yeah, exactly. But that being said, James Wans Talent is still displayed up there. He still looks boring interesting ideas that I havent seen anybody like try in a long time. And I dont think he wrote it or anything. He just I think it was just I think if I personally think this feels like a project that hes in between Aquaman. He had some time to do something else. He probably found a script that he probably didnt even care if it was good. He thought the concept of the twist was cool. And I think he was like I can do whatever. I want a big director and I want to just try to. I just kind of want to make this a challenge myself. I think you could be fun and I think you just did that and then move. Like that. Like I could be wrong. I do not think he doesnt care about the movie. But I mean, I think what interested him was putting it together in a way that still worked with that twist. As I think like, to me as like to me, I would find that interesting and kind of fun as a director, but that might mean that maybe you didnt care as much about the overall story. Maybe she just liked the concept and it was it, you know, any just, you know, thats just my opinion, but maybe, you know, yeah. Yeah, I almost wish like I mentioned this, this feels like a lot of James Wang kind of thrown into a pop. It also feels like theres a lot of ideas on what the movie. Wanted to be conflicting with each other and I really, I think the movie you would have been infinitely better if they would have taken out all the weird Supernatural elements. Like they could have kept like the Visions, changing, and character seeing these terrible events, but when it comes to, like the monster, like speaking through electronics, and all of these other things that are kind of like Begley implied, while he can have it as well as a few kind of hunting scenes if they would have run this as kind of like a detective Thriller that happened to be more gruesome. I think theres a pattern movie the hair, I think. So, I think so too. I think that would have been cool to because then the twist would have actually been that. It has kind of a I dont know what you call it. Not really Supernatural, but it has almost like a biological or Supernatural. Ill be more like a serial killer movie. Then it becomes a whore like you would still change the genre but instead of it being like a supernatural drama, that becomes an action set piece thing. It would be like a thriller that becomes almost like a kind of supernatural horror actions that you know, I only get like, I feel like I get what youre saying. Like that probably would work better. I think youre right. Actually. Yeah, but all is not lost. There was another movie I saw and Im just, Im so jealous cuz I wanted to see it so bad. Im so jealous. I havent had a chance to yet. But heres the thing. Heres the my expectations were slipped and subverted on me, because I was very excited for malignant. You know, me and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I can leave all of them at the door and just kind of go about my day just fine. And this is what I was excited about. For a reason, you were texting you right. After I got out, I would like for tonight thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I havent said that about a Marvel movie in a very long time, when he goes as rivenx3i on YouTube. I followed him for like, I dont know, eight years or something like a long time, but he started doing a lot of really cool. Martial arts set-pieces, and like sand, Naruto films, and things that Mike is action, choreography and design is fantastic. If it was Miles Ahead of a lot of the stuff that you see in Hollywood. I mean, hes also one of the few people, if you love my hero Academia, he has like a fan my hero Academia. Eye concept thing that he did. Hes one of the few people that can do live action. That actually looks like anime in a way. Thats not crap, like probably him in the Wachowski money. So I like, and then lately, hes been kind of blowing up and hes been doing the action set-pieces for more films. I think I saw that he did kingsman the Golden Circle, he worked on it as an action designer on this film has apparently with another person. I think he might have worked on the new Kingsman movie too, but Im not sure. But the point is, hes been doing things and this was his big, Marvel film. And Ive even seen some of the actors whove done stunts with him show up as stunt doubles and, and actors in Marvel films as like people to get thrown around and stuff. So, its really cool. Just seeing all these people really make me to Hollywood. Its like watching something that was just these people with his passion and drive that really good and actually watching them succeed is so cool. So the fact that he got to be one of the action designers in a huge, Marvel film is just like I just wanted to see how to support him. And I dont even know who that I dont even know who the Actor was originally, but the fact of the director, apparently had the wherewithal to hire him makes me like the director already cuz it means like you really care about good action, you know, like in your willing to Source, you know, two people that will deliver on whatever your vision is switch. Yeah, so thats my rant but thats just me, loving this whole situation. So I mentioned that, it feels like marble will find a director who has the black one or two successful, like personal projects, under their belt and then bring them into the Marvel Universe. And I think that is so you dont have somebody whos been in the industry long enough to really want as much creative control as somebody who makes those movies, but I agree. Yeah, yeah, I hope not but its Destin, Daniel cretton and I saw his movie that kind of blew him up. It was a movie starring Brie Larson. Lakeith Stanfield called, Short Term 12. Yeah, I heard of that is excellent. If anybodys interested, its a, its a drama movie about kids going through kind of their personal demons in this Youth Camp that kind of doubles as a kind of Therapy Clinic. Yeah, and it is excellent. But to see him take on action. So confidently because from my perspective, directing action is probably the most difficult thing to do. I agree. I agree. I think I just want to add one word. I think, directing good action, and I mean, he knocks the park. I heard through our, I grew up on a sense of Chinese action movies. Like I remember owning a DVD set of Once Upon A Time In China. If anyone has a classic one is phenomenal. Classic, Jackie Chan, ones are great, too. No doubt. I love police Story, 3 Supercop. I think, is one of the greatest action films of all time by, like, empty know that Michelle. Yeoh did. Every single one of her on something. Cluding, the motorcycle, jump on the train. It was to the point. It was to the point where she cracked a joke that Jackie actually at when she did the train dump. He was like you have to stop because every time you do one of these amazing, since I have to one-up you Oceanside train, jump is insane. So, one thing that You know, I would I was thinking about it when I was watching the movie and everybody was excited to see you like authentic martial arts in a Marvel movie, and I was coming from the place of guys therapon authentic, martial arts scenes going on in forever, but I havent seen them celebrated in a mainstream way like this before from the action scenes being delivered. The way they arent the kind of celebrations of Chinese culture in the movie before I can like diving like the story beats just the overall presentation of the film. So fresh. It didnt feel like the story beats kind of felt like a Marvel movie for sure. And the the kind of Comedy that Ill get into later felt like a Marvel movie, but this also felt like a reminded me of like seeing Iron Man For the First Time like before this was all a giant franchise contain. Really deliberate vision of a movie that was just like Im not saying it was like the greatest thing all the time, like its still a popcorn action flick, but it also didnt feel like it was just trying to set up something else. Like I felt like a step forward for where marbles going and if their movies feel like this going forward, then Im a little more excited than I was prior to the stage marble run pit on. I see that makes me so excited cuz I was just excited for it because of the people that were involved. And you also know that like a lot of people know me, like I love shoot-em-up action. Everything John Wicks, great, but I like you, I grew up with a lot of Asian Cinema and stuff. Thats why I like, even a lot of people who love like Star Wars and stuff, like Im like, yeah, its pretty good. And then people talk about like how amazing that you do Empire Strikes Back sword fight scene as Im like Jagger up on action scenes from like Asian back where they were doing crazy stuff. So to me that was really kind of lame but I wasnt bad. It was all right, but like Im not saying is that if you did, if you like that, theres nothing wrong with that. I just mean like, for me. I have a really high bar when it comes to action scenes and a lot of action seems I seeing a lot of Marvel films and not just motions, but just like a lot of American especially when people get to fighting. Its just a lot of cutting to distract from the fact that the actors dont really know what theyre doing and I felt like the new Mortal Kombat did the same thing. Its very slow, the lot of cutting and I love when people take the time to actually go through, want to fight training and you have great angles, a beautiful rotations, and things that actually show off the stunts and show off the people really fighting. Like, thats why Jackie Chan used to say he hated life, too many Cuts because it shows that they dont know what theyre doing. He likes, you know, when something really cool happens, he wants to go to a wide-angle, you know, because he wants to show you everything. So, you know, youre seeing exactly whats on display in because his team and him are so good. They can do that. The cutting thing is kind of a necessity when you dont have people that can do that. And unfortunately, I feel like when you have the kind of money that Marvel has been a lot of these Hollywood film No, excuse not to have that nowadays. Theres just not so it means youre just kind of networking and going to people, you know, but if theyre to the point where you stopped you a lot of cutting thats not good enough. Now that you dont really have an excuse, their independent people who could do work ten times better than that, you know, so, you know, if Im coming to see some movie that has fight sequences, make it awesome and I like, John Wicks. Actually, pretty cool. But the director is a choreographer, is done. Really cool stuff, his whole life. So its being directed by someone, who cares about that, you know, included the workout, the wachowskis friends with the Matrix trilogy know. They dont know martial arts, but they clearly value it and they know whats good because they hired one of the top Hong Kong martial arts. Craig, the face of all time and shot a beautifully. So, you know, you can do it, right, if you really have the passion to care about those things. I think a lot of directors think of action scenes as just a scene, but they care more about the characters. And its about the characters. Put your action seems to be given the same amount of care as the character should, in my opinion. So Im, I love it. When you find a directive, it does it all like that where you can tell at least tries to do it all you know. Care. So, and from what Im hearing about this film, a lot of things are handled with care as the best way I can put it and thats totally right. And like, I mentioned, if you look at, if you look at Destin cretins, his current that the movies, hes hes directed and produced prior to this. Theres not action on their Jessica. Just another one, just comes down to caring because movie make music louder to the effort. And there are people with Talent who can do these things and who will give you the best feedback on how to get it done in a way, thats effective to an audience cuz theyre excited about it. Yeah, I could tell that the director of this movie was really excited about it and say, thats awesome. And see, this is one of those situations where Im happy. Like, I can tell, like, I cant necessarily tell him, Im going to like the movie, but the fact that he hired Christopher C, Towing means someone brought that person to up to him or hes seen his YouTube channel or something. But something about it. How he saw that and wanted that first movie, which means, I know youre already on the right track for a movie like this, to be, to be honest. Cuz Christopher Cohen is an African-American guy who clearly loves Asian culture. I mean, his entire Channel like the Marshalls card. If he thinks, he loves you loves like Japanese culture in Chinese culture. You can just tell, he has a passion for these things, and you can tell he wants to do them justice. So like I love that. Just seeing someone so immersed, and technically another culture, and he get any get so good at it. But remind him, hes one of the best choreographers of. And I dont even know if he actually knows martial arts. He might just know what school, you know, but he can still put stuff together in a way that school. And another thing I saw about some behind-the-scenes stuff at the storm is. I love Tai Chi like quite a bit. Like I even thought about getting into Tai, Chi, Chuan, mean like push and stuff like that. Just cuz I find that stuff really interesting. And I heard that a lot of the movements and things in this, are based off like actual Tai Chi stances and Tai Tai Chi movements, made him brought in like an amazing us that woman from China, who specializes in tai chi, I was reading about it. So I just a lot of things that really excite me personally. So, yeah, they kind of got me on there, like their families before Ive even seen it. Like, Im like, all these pieces seem like they equal something. Id like. So in the house unless Im just totally misunderstanding. I feel like this is the Marvel movie that was made for me and I act. I, whenever you do whenever youre feeling better, let me know cuz I want to see it again. I definitely will. I will, we will, we will go see it for sure. As far as I hope. Im not miss pronounce. His name coming in Ashanti. The guy has this amazing Balancing Act of having the Charisma of being a superhero, but also having this delivery of somebody who starts this movie as a ballet, and who doesnt really understand the direction that you wants his wife to go in. So hes just going to let him live me. Make decisions for Emily figures it out and seeing his total lack of confidence. Shine through before he becomes this or well before its revealed that hes this insane Supernatural, martial artist. He knocked it out of the park. So he doesnt know that he is getting, its not that he doesnt know that he is. Its its theres a bit of a reveal that hes aware that again we know cuz its in the trailer is but you know, but then other than the most impressive surprisingly the villain which I never say about Marvel movies, except for one particular Norse god and one particular purple man, a hero or a villain in this movie whos played by Tony Wang. Isnt inherently evil? Why? I know wed morally gray. Villains is nothing new but the weight they set up his story in a way. That is so sentimental. And So, kind of believable and why hes doing the things that hes doing that. You almost you dont want him to succeed. But you also dont want him to fail in a, in a particular way. Thats all Ill say theyre phenomenal. See, thats awesome. That. Thats fantastic to me. I like, I like villains for it. Maybe they are villains, but you can kind of see their point or you can see their Viewpoint or you, or do you understand why they are who they are? Even if you dont agree with it, like, I like that. Like I hate when someones just completely obviously bad guy for the sake of being bag. I just feel so unrealistic, you know what I mean? Like, so thats awesome. Thats really great to hear that dude. Im so much more excited. Now, then Im going to have to fight. Im going to try to go see it like Wednesday after work. So if youre free, maybe Wednesday, I dont know for sure. And then I have to really quite sure the movie feels about 15 to 20 minutes too long. There is a lull right in the middle of act to going to act 3, where we got to get some contacts and go into some back. Find information and learn some lore. And it really drags. At that point. You really feel the energy, the movie train for about 20 minutes gachoka. And then also even though the comedy is good in this movie and its effective. This is something that I felt about all Marvel movies. And Im not sure why Marvel is uncomfortable letting any drama or sadness sit for a. Of time without telling a joke to break the tension out of me and Im starting to feel something joke. Why I like youre just awful. It doesnt listen to be supper tonight too. Because this movie has some really strong family themes and the emotional stakes in the movie are really high. And whenever it will kind of flirted with the idea of taking the audience there and the moment you start to be like on man. Its lets crack a joke and move to the next scene like that. Youre They hit the largest demographic of all time. So you want everything to be happy and bubbly but your movies would be better. If you let people actually, you know, feel something, Indie people, but, you know, anyway, thats just me agreeing with you on a very frustrated way. It is frustrating, but that being said, it is what it is. It is a Marvel movie. It doesnt kind of change the change, the game, It Anyway, from kind of setting up this universe, but it did feel fresh. It did remind me of seeing the first Iron Man as far as feeling like Im seeing something new and a new Direction and I hope that the other stand-alone MCU films followed suit and tastic. Okay. So now were going to get into what the main products of the episode. Its about, which is the alien and Predator franchises. We both love Sci-Fi movies. I think we both grew up loving these. These monsters for their his reasons. And in my opinion, is some of what makes them awesome is their counterparts, that that their Heroes and heroines that that battle them. I mean, till this day I think Sigourney Weaver is one of the most badass female action stars of all time. Like, I love her and you mean Sigourney Weaver from Alien, Resurrection. In every movie even though if thats not, my favorite is, how Ill put it. All the basketball teams. Awesome. But making out making out with her alien, son, fetus thing is just weird or pretending to, and it wanting to meet with mom, you know, we can get to that one here. Lets start with the good one. So alien directed by Ridley, Scott. Oh, yeah, you know, Ive seen this movie a million and a half times me too, but I probably, I probably hadnt seen it in like a year to both of us own like a Blu-Ray quadrilogy. So its always on my shelf, but its not one of those movies that I revisit super often outside like maybe Halloween. I said, why is that watch it? Like I typically watch it like once a year until the last like 3 years. So me watching it. Id only reason I didnt watch it again recently because when I first moved in my apartment like 8 months ago, I went on like an alien kind of spree. So I re-watched Alien aliens and then the directors cut of the assembly cut of Alien 3. So I had just seen a fairly recently. So I so I got through the whole quadrilogy and this is the first time that Ive ever felt. Not that I mean, the first two Alien movies are there interchangeable and as far as which ones the best, but this is the first time Ive thoroughly enjoyed the first one more than the second one. Interesting. I dont know what clicked for me, but I think just the claustrophobic aspect of being in this dark tank area and spend time with these characters where none of them are an action hero and it really feels like Even though, you know, Ellen, Ripley is our lead. It never feels like she takes the spotlight to the last act and watching it this time, even though I know the outcome of all the characters for some reason, it almost felt like I had. That was so far removed from it that it really started to feel like, oh my God, whos going to make it out of this thing? You know what I mean? Nobody feel safe in that movie and it really is to me the greatest monster design that weve never had. I actually agree. Like, Im, I think Predators a close second, but I actually have to agree with you and white like I think till this day, no ones beat in it. Not not with prosthetics, not with CG, not with special effects. I, I think that I would have to say that if you want the truth as a kid, even though I love this movie, I probably seen aliens and more. But the weird thing is, I cant say which one, I like better because I feel like theyre very different movies. Like, to me, alien is a masterpiece of a sci-fi horror film. Aliens is a scythe. Buy action-thriller. So its hard for me to say which one I like better cuz I feel like theyre both 10 attend but theyre very different genres but something I would love to touch on. If you dont mind, I thought was interesting that James Cameron did with aliens was he was smart. Hes like, okay, so we cant replicate alien, right? Because for one thing, you know what it looks like? Now? A part of what makes that awesome? If youve never seen anything like this before, its this atmospherics like that is probably one of the best films of all time. In terms of capturing, an atmosphere of the terror and maintaining it throughout an entire film. Like that is a masterclass on that. Alien. And I think what was smart about James Cameron is that he decided that okay. I cant replicate. Then. Why would I, why do I want to mess with the Master P. So instead its almost like he had respect for the first time. Its like so what kind of sequel could I make? So instead he writes a Sci-Fi Action, film Thriller work. He goes further into it. You can just see more of the hive. You meet this queen that he invented it cuz that wasnt in the original. Invented. This queen became about this, you know, military group. And, you know, he created this kind of just amazing action suspense with Ripley right back in the thick of it and we are. And now the action character has been established through character development of the first character. Shes the shes a fighter and its not necessary action person, but shes a fighter, you know, shes a Survivor, right? And she just gets extended in the sequel. And what I think is interesting is if you really think about it technically what he did for aliens in my opinion, he learned from in did the same thing with t to because if you look at Terminator, 1 Terminator, one is films like a horror slasher film. It sounds like a slasher. Its a sci-fi horror filmed and he did Terminator 2 in like 94 or 96 or 92 somewhere around there, but it was years after aliens, right? So I think he realized the same thing. I cant replicate this. So instead it becomes a Sci-Fi action, thriller like he learned from what he did with aliens and he applied, that TuTiTu and an ideal reason. Im bringing this. Cuz I feel like in a way they took a similar on brute with The Predator franchise worth. The first film is about 1 Predator stocking, an elite military group. And its this kind of scary scary scary survival sound pretty actress with just like Alienware. Its like whittling them down to the store. But you know, final Survivor kind of thing. And then in the second side, only 1997 does fictionalized future where La is so bad with the drug lords of apparently it from the Colombian drug lords, in the Jamaican drug, lord to the point where downtown LA. Its just this war zone which sets up the perfect environment and because its a terrible City, every civilians armed, what sets up the perfect environment for this sci-fi action, thriller exterus, gavigan extravaganza. Where we also get to expand on the predator and instead of expanding on the nest and seeing more of them in a queen. Its still one Predator, but now we get to expand more on his Weaponry, his Arsenal and then there is more of them at the end and you actually get to see what they do with the skulls like what part of their kind of culture is and you actually even get a little bit of the history with the whole situation with the gun at the end of it. So its a lot of these films, follow the same rubric that I think works really well for franchises in terms of how you extend like they extended differently cuz the monsters are different but the notion of not trying to do the same thing and do something different with the second film. I think is a good notion. I feel like a lot of them start struggling when I get to a third Phelps to me. Totally James Cameron recognized and who I dont know the Predator 2 director. It was the guy who did Nightmare on Elm Street 5. What was James Cameron recognizes, even though Aliens action movies similar to what Ridley Scott? Did? You know? He takes it to a whole nother level? He still plays the monster really close to the chest. Do you only get in? Billy Brianna is youll see like a lot alike body horror of like limbs being blown off, or kind of these brief glimpses of whats going on. Theyre killing. You only get brief glimpses of it. And I think once Alien 3 came out and Alien, Resurrection continue the series, I think the xenomorph kind of took the spotlight, and everybody wanted to show just how like, weird and drippy and gross. It was all the time. Like that, then you have to change up the genre or the game. You have to do something interesting with it. Like maybe you showed more of that, because something more interesting comes along, like, maybe you show those because theres a new alien or something. Thats interesting. And thats the one thats you dont get to see him or of her or something, you know, but I agree. I agree with you. Like, I like even in a lot. Like, thats one thing I have to say, if were, if were going into this. I havent seen predators and quite a while. Id only seen it once in the theater. And I remember thinking, you know, and the weird thing is, I still kind of thing. But what I like about it that Shane black doesnt get, is that it is that I feel like the color grade and the way that film looks, it looks like a predator movie. Like, I have to give it credit and actually feel like the concept for Predators is interesting my love. Like, for those of you that I havent seen it without spoils, is essentially almost like a predator Hunger Games. Like, basically you wake up in action. You literally wake up with a character as hes free falling out of the sky. Like a which is a great opening. I think thats cool. Right? And then you run into other people have all been dropped off on this place and they kind of ran into each other. And then the one thing they had in common if they were all in battle in different countries around the world, you know one was like a drug like like like he was like a like a Mexican gang and he was like, one of the top like murderers, another person, as a, as a mercenary. Theres a, you know, Colombian military sniper. Yeah, theres like, all these people other. The akuza guy was really cool, others. All these people that the clearly their Alphas is the best way to put it on Earth and you know, as they come together, theyre trying to figure out where the hell theyre going. And they realize the suns not in the right place in that place and then theres kind of a reveals short way in what with, you know what I am going to get a little bit but I just been out for a while. So but what I thought was a really cool concept was that this entire planet is a Game Preserve like The Predators used to drop off stuff. That is a cool concept. I think that the concept of that film as cool. As a matter of fact, I felt the first hour, the first half of that film was really cool. I feel like the moment they run into Laurence Fishburne. Absolutely go, downhill them. And the whole sequence, isnt that interesting? And then he just dies. Its almost like the writers kill him in a way. Thats just as uninteresting to say that. They knew this entire 20 minute sequence was pointless, like hes murdered in a way that reflects how useless is entire subplot was so I like it comes to a drag. There is a sequence that I love. I love the way it shot. When they first come into the Predator camp and they find out that theres another Predator tied to the tree. Theres a shot with a run in there, all tumbling down that the mountain which is a total omage to the original Predator. Where Arnold Schwarzenegger goes, flying them out and hes like, oh shit. He goes tumbling into water. But what about this is like he upped it as theyre tumbling. I love the crane up, as theyre falling, all the shots are really kinetic, and they, like build momentum until they tumble off that cliff, and I love that sequence. I thought that sequence was great. However, theres a shot right afterward, this like, Predator aerial unit, you know, to text them and comes back and thats like the reveal of the Predators. Will they become invisible and theres something about that shot, but I found a really corny, but thats just like crouching on a tree. But they revealed in like, almost like this. Theyre almost like in this like, okay, try to be menacing. Its like the girls are just like cartoonish reveal. Like its like theyre supposed to be if I can almost would have been cool if they if its like something invisible caught it and maybe like it just flashed a piece of his face for a second. But even the original their moments were like, Watch into being and that it would go invisible again. That was cool. Like that was cool. Id like to maintain some mystery, you know? Like so. And I think thats one of those situations where we all know what predators look like. We just want to have a cool reveal. It worth. It works fine with that one just didnt work for me. Just felt really corny and then I felt like the whole ending to me like that. You choose. The scene was all right or whatever. But like is it just me or does it seem like when the Predators are fighting each other at the end? Its kind of lame. Like, it seems like its a bunch like its a bunch of cavemen fighting and the weird thing is these are supposed to be like the most elite Hunters ever. I would expect them to have like their own fight style. I would expect it to some fisticuffs. I would expect like some Warriors to be jumping in and when theyre envious because its easy, you can tell him, it shows them like jumping and flipping through trees and stuff. But awesome that stops when theyre fighting. Theyre just big brutes. Just swinging by Jason Voorhees. That is so lame, but I dont know whats funny about that. These theories is they start off so strong and we have a couple great ones. All right. The one thing about that I think is interesting. Like were going to bounce around 4 to go to Alien 3. You guys might not know this but thats actually directed by David Fincher. It was his first feature film. He had started with music videos before the end of Toria. Slay, his experience with Alien 3 was so bad that he finished principal photography and has nothing to do with post-production. He was not there for any of the edit for any of the post anything because he was so frustrated with her interfering for interfering so much and they even when they even started he had to start filming another director, I guess got fired or quit. He came in in the middle of production. They were already in production. You can tell that this was a cash, grab in the beginning, because they have started filming and they didnt have a finished script. So he was shooting while the script was still being written and then he still managed to piece something together. Like they wont just just said, I didnt they shopped around like three or four different scripts from three or four different writers in the one they landed on? Wasnt the script that was made. There was a script that they landed on that was going to take place in almost like this religious temple with these monk-like characters that was going to be. No. Reading about it. Thats interesting. Yeah, but then they rewrote it into being a prison, but then thats why theres so many characters in the present ideas for multiple different scripts and also the assembly Cuts much better. A lot. Like I feel like the assembly cut is okay. Like, I would give it like a like a, like a like a mare gets like that. You know, it its its alright. Its a, its an okay movie, the assembly cut the version that was released in theaters is So, atrociously bad. So the guy wasnt logged, the guy that was kind of nuts. Right? The guy that was kind of nuts that that freed the alien. Okay, wait, who freed the alien and alien 3, pop alien, and then he goes in and Fries in right before she actually traps and then she goes in and lets it out and gets killed. And theres that whole thats like a 15 to 18 minutes sequence. Thats just gone. So they also they never dropped it. Theres just this random accidental explosion in the middle of trying, to trap the alien and his character just vanishes for no reason, you never knew what happened to him. Like, I think they just hope that youd assume that he died and all of the shenanigans basically, like that, which is, which is kind of a path for a scary movie. Like this crazy person. Hes just there and then you just vanishes like, it didnt make any sense and that also in the original version of the ale, Hatches out of her. As shes falling into the fire. And she grabs it with her hand and hold it, which kind of just was stupid. So, they remove that in the final but like, I just find it interesting that you can still see pieces of what makes David Fincher, awesome. Because like that entire sequence with the doctor when he dies and the alien comes up and hisses in her face, like the, cuz it, cuz David Fincher loves information and he loves when he does show you a close-up. Its on something thats interesting. Like, he doesnt like to waste close up, the extreme close-up of the needle, the reflection in the needle. As like, you know, Id like to build up to that. I thought that was great. Like, you know what I mean? And then also, when the when the the chief is berating the doctor and his heads kind of tilted and hes irritated as hes talking to him, thats Adventure shot cuz hes receiving information and thats the close up. His reaction to doesnt like that. You can see pieces of what makes Spencer awesome. Like I would have loved to have seen a movie unencumbered and just let him play with that movie. You know what I mean? Like I really would have cuz I feel like there are moments of that film that are kind of great, you know, but Overall, the phones just not on par with the other ones right there, a whole sequences and killed in the movie that are excellent. Like you mentioned, the the reflection in the needle that entire scene, where hes sedating Ripley, and then a cheese being sedated, he gets like, yeah, when life gets murdered and then, yeah, I got the entire scene, the last act for the cat trying to trap it down the corridors and having to have all this like hodge podge of murderers work together, should be awesome. But I swear to God. The CGI is not done in this early CGI that it did not age well back then, but it looked too cartoonish like it looked too. Im done. You know what, you know, what sucks about that is when you see like the close-ups of the xenomorph. It still looks great monster movie that takes place in the present. Why are you trying to show this thing in so much? Like I know youve heard this very easily be a problem more of the monster basically enough and to do that. They used to CG that was early and yeah, it kind of just takes away some of the suspense also in the original in the in the assembly cut which is more interesting, is Ripley, Ripley washes up on shore and also kind of gives the Porsche foreshadowing of all of the Flies and maggots and the end of the lice problem and all of that. And the alien hatches. Its this really cool hatch staying out of like a dead bore whatever else. Yeah the cow and in the original that was not the case. Just so you know in the original it was The guys had a dog and it was stupid cuz this Borstein was the version, the way Fincher planned at, but in the original the guy had a Rottweiler and they just basically later, grab the insert of the alien Facehugger is like hands, coming over the wall, as the dogs barking, and thats all you see. And then theres a shot later. When they basically do a pair, I will adding sequence of when theyre burning the bodies, and its the sad moment. It shows the alien hatching and the dog start screaming and he bent and he falls over and attaching out of his stomach. And it rips out. Thats basically, it was the original, but I think the board one is just way better, like, the version that assembly that Ive never seen that before. I was like, that works so much better in my opinion. Like it just really did. So Has its Grace on the movie is really piling. It even starts off with an excellent and very heartbreaking. Autopsy scenes. I know its really good. But, you know, that was an interesting choice to. Yeah, I actually kind of like this choice, but I know its kind of controversial to get rid of Newton Hicks off-screen. Yeah, I mean, but, you know, its weird to me about aliens is I actually didnt care much for that group Hixson nude. Were probably my least favorite characters in that movie like Mike, what I like a fucking love fast, gas, but Fast Gas Whenever I send text to characters. I love, I think back to Hudson. Of course, I think back to Al Capone, I think. I think I was more of an interesting character even though he was a douchebag. Like I was so happy when he died. That was another thing that that scene in Aliens was iconic when he traps, are there with a Facehugger like the at the fact that its not CG the animatronics that shit looks real till this day. Till this day. There are two shots that freaks me out. And its the shop where its running along the floor and its like her eyesight. It looks so real. And then there is a, its a, its a couple of two or three Quick Cuts. Its the its the shot right before it wraps around your neck across across there. And then theres a shot. Its almost it almost. Looks like a GoPro camera shot before a GoPro, where it comes right at the camera, really fast and it looks so real, but it is so nerve-racking every time I see him, like, I always go. I love it. It makes me do that. I dont do that with CGI. I just dont cuz you know, its not real, you know, kind of the issue. I had with a covenant going into it. Like I feel like even though its better. Its just so it looks so much like CGI that it takes me out of like theres one moment where I didnt mind it. So I know where it where have rings were talking about the series, but I know that I I remember the one thing I will say that I think is interesting is both alien Covenant and Prometheus had the same effect upon first and second viewings. Just alien. Covenant, less redeeming in my opinion, but like Prometheus. The first time I thought I had all these expectations, but I think were very specific to what I assumed it was going to be. So I remember being very disappointed, the first time I saw from UPS, but then I went back and watched it again, and I remember Quit liking it, the second time. Like the second time. I probably give it like a B+. Like I actually liked it. Like I realized when I watched it, for what it is. I actually thought it was very interesting and it was beautifully shot and I thought it was really well-made. My only gripe is, like the moment like, in the beginning, theres the character is really stupid with this nut. Like like like two characters are really stupid like basically at the same time and the script for things to work out but I would argue that happens in Alien Covenant 2, but on a way more profound level and its one freaking stupid character. Basically decides to lock, two people in a room because of contagion, even though the blood was coughed all over her face. So shes also a fucking hypocrite. She locks them in the room, the woman only dies because she gets screwed by her friends. And then she and then she accidentally just shoot the canister cuz shes stupid and if you know, you see them the back when youre like this dumb woman and then she blows herself up later. Like you literally killed two people like you killed yourself and you killed the woman. Just cuz youre dumb. But like, I and the worst part is, then its like Im supposed to feel bad cuz its Danny McBrides wife, but Im like, I hated her like Im glad shes dead. Im been sad that the other, the thing with the alienist. I think its almost cool. Like the tail part is cool. And then it becomes this really CGI thing, it goes through his mouth. And again, its showing too much of the alien. I almost felt like it wouldve been better. If you just kept that to cut than moments of Terror, but then, like the alien comes out of the water and it looks way better than it used to. But it still looks extremely CG and Im like that. Why was that? Not a prostitute? Theres not a single real creature in Covenant at all. Only has CG at the very end when the alien hatches and the lights are flashing and it looks pretty good. Like like everything is practical and primitive for the most part except for the ships and stuff. You cant help, right, but but alien Covenant cuz its worth a shot at Shotwell cuz its Ridley Scott, but the alien at all times is just peachy. I dont think there was a single special effect prosthetic made and I think it shows because I never could get grounded into that aspect of the film which is like a huge draw for the Like I love David Duncan wrong. Hes essentially think about Prometheus and alien Covenant. They are David movies. Like thats what they are, you know, but I just felt like the Vic. The monster element of alien, Covenant was just terrible. Like an unfortunate just took me out of the phone. Thats why I couldnt love it. Like it was but it wasnt terrible but I didnt like it either. If that makes sense. I like I like the hatching scene of the first alien with David. I like that hatching scene, but thats it. Yeah, totally. I agree with pretty much everything you just said, but you know, whats funny is everything that I love and you just kind of messed everything that I love about Prometheus and alien, Covenant all comes down to the story, plot points around the company, the Androids monster father, but I really feel like after Ridley Scott did Blade Runner. I feel like he just wants to focus on Androids when it comes to Syfy. Your boy. Its like we look at all the Sci-Fi. Hes done with her beak and of having a piece of the sequel to Blade. Runner doing that show on HBO. I think it was called House of wolves. I havent. I havent seen it. I know youre talkin about the wolves. I know youre talking about. I saw the trailer. I havent seen it though. So, I dont know. Yeah, between his collaborations Blade. Runner that HBO show and going with the alien Covenant. I really just think he when he goes back to Syfy. He really wants to work on like the philosophical implications of human-like Androids. And thats where I dont drink at all. Thats the most. I didnt know that David had swaps. Like I really, I dont think theres anybody that didnt figure that out. So this reveal was lame because were basically waiting for it, you know, and its just kind of like if youre going to do that just I dont know do it better or just dont bother trying to do that cuz it just it just seems so obvious. I dont think I know a single person who was duped by that were surprised at the reveal at the end, like everybody. I know it was like, yeah, that was, you know, I dont know. Totally, totally. I for some reason, like I dont know if it was like so poorly done or if it was just done, what you never bothered me. Because I never felt like I was trying to be duped by that twists. Like, it seems like it because I cant even think about it. That the David whos the, the Walter Wright the day, he chose him, reaching for the knife, right? The guy at the David, it shows David reach knife and then when he shows up, he has the cut on his face and the and he could have chopped off his hand. So the cut they werent, they were trying to make you think that it was clearly Walter because David was the one grabbing the night. So we got flash in the face and they kill David. Thats literally what they were trying to do. So, its just like, what was the point of that even if its so obvious what youre doing? Like, its so obvious what its going to be that just come on, you know that. I dont know. I like you and I really. I wish they would have spent more time like they set up. I mean, first off the engineers is Cool idea. But compared compared to the giant fossil that you see an alien,. You know what I mean? But then the second time how it kind of intertwines and what they were doing, the fact that they stated they seated planets with their own DNA like we, we are essentially seated by aliens and like what theyre essentially doing is its almost like experiments and then they wipe them out. If they dont go. Well, right, like Fike play, like I thought the idea of that was very cool. And the one thing I like about Prometheus essentially Dave, its doing the same thing is hes a sleaze doing what his creators have done, you know, like theres the opening scene where hes like, what else am I for? You know, and hes like, oh, thats what were all trying to figure out we all but we all want to create life, you know, and so Davids life purpose is to create his own life. Thats why the one of the things I did like and one of the few times I didnt, I still thought it wasnt better with the real thing, but when the creature, Hes trying to talk to it. And its right there. I like that thing, you know, even though its set up for an amazing shot. I wish you wouldnt have just marked the entire civilization. I wish we were like David and that Civilization would have been so fascinating to watch. I agree that in better or, or maybe, maybe the simulation was still there when they got there or it were something light. Like you have some great elements to create something cool. And it almost seemed like that scene was just like you said, set up for a big shot and was essentially a big step peace. As hell, wasnt a set-piece. It was a big CG shot. That would have basically just for a big cool VFX shot. And it doesnt you dont like its like theres no emotion until we dont know those people. We dont know anything about them. You know what I mean? Like if anything, if anythings the person we cared about was Elizabeth Shaw, and she was an afterthought to El, shes just already. Id like like like, you know, seeing what happened to her might have been great considering she was the only Survivor and like the Ripley of Prometheus. You know, Im in the whole that whole surgery scene was fantastic. Yeah, but I think about in Prometheus. I think it was a much better phone and it still worked. David was thought the center point, but it was a lot of practical. The story was about a lot more, you know, like a lot of what was going on was really cool and because it was practical to set some stuff felt real against Prometheus had atmosphere. It really did I felt like alien Covenant does not feel like it has atmosphere to me. Like it feels like there are moments that start to have it and then I pulled out of it over and over and over again and thats kind of what I was upset about because I really wanted to like I think of it, thats the problem. Like I really want to. Im like, Im like More irritated because I wanted to like it cuz the second time I started to like Prometheus more and I was like, okay, now Im actually kind of been to this and now I really cant wait for alien Covenant, you know, so I dont have trailer actually made me really excited and I was like, oh great. Another half way through. What do you think? So, these two have these aliens in these Predators have met before. So, you know what really pisses me off? And I changed by time for me. If its cuz Im the Predator, Canada. Predator is created the aliens as the perfect species to hunt. If Im correct. Like you dont know for sure but its almost implied that they did or that. Theyve been working with them for a long time. So Im like what you got them from David. And my point of having like the ultimate Hunter, you know, go up against the ultimate Predator is really cool. Should be. It should be tried again or do you think they can just watch what I do not want. I want a good one. So I want to say yes, but not Paul Thomas Anderson and the Strauss brothers who were basically just marketing the effects company. If you dont know this, the Strauss, whatever, Strauss, I think thats the name of the directors of Alien versus Predator Requiem, they own a visual effects company. And if you remember that, really terrible sci-fi film, back in the day, call Skyline Chili also directed that, and Im pretty sure it wasnt about trying to make a good movie. It was about look the budget for this. We made it for only ten million dollars and we made it look like a hundred million dollars visual effects of traffic jams that they were basically it which I think is kind of brilliant. Actually. Its not a very good movie but the trailers and all the publicity everything. It looks like this big Hollywood filming by the way. We did it for ten million dollars. It is The ultimate marketing strategy ever. Like its this fantastic, but then they moved on as well and it shows that theyre just a visual effects company, cuz the VFX look great when they happened. But cinematography and lighting for who I like, and the lighting is so bad in that movie. Like I understand you want Darkness, but when you cant see whats going on when its implied by Silhouettes and you know, you can make stuff. Look dark. But still at the audience see whats happening, especially if its an action scene. Okay. So one thing about aliens versus predator Requiem, but Ill give her credit for it. I like it was actually rated R. Like the first one. The fact that was PG-13, irritates me, like Paul. Paul Thomas Anderson always has the has the clean look where everything was very sterile and clean and pretty even if it shouldnt and thats his style. Thats fine. But because its PG-13 it just it just ruined a lot of what makes alien and Predator cool and it also, He doesnt know those species very well. Because the fact that one alien kill to Predators was ridiculous like that would never happen. Even if the Predator doesnt have their shoulder Cannon like the first one by surprise, and then that fight was all right, but like, theres no way that one Predator should get killed by two lanes. Just, if you just know the cannon, like, thats just crazy. Like, I was like, so basically its a way to get rid of two Predators quickly. So that one Predator is the central Focus point with what, with her. So, he could give her a shield and predators that these aliens can have full conversation. I see each other and theyre like, were going to have to kill you, dude, and hes like, dont do that. And then like, we got to get out of here. We dont have a character like stuff. So were going to kill you now and thats like wait, why wait we can talk about this like sorry Sunny. Sorry Sunny. You got to go pick it up. Youre right though, but lights and the crazy thing about Tim me Alien versus Predator, Requiem is actually a much better set up for what I would think an Alien versus Predator. Filmed. It involves humans should be like like in a crash lands on the planet. Planet Towns gettin Infested by aliens people getting murdered left and right. Very bloody. Predator comes in to clean up. Honestly. The story for Requiem is actually what I would expect a good one to be like if the characters werent crappy and the directors knew what they were doing, love. You know what I mean? Like I said, it was actually more like, what you would expect it to be? Like, I could totally see a Predator come in and being a clean up crew for this this fuk up that they had, you know, you know, because the ship crashes to get the shit, you know, so you have to send in another Predator to clean it up and, you know, I remove it any of these poor in this stuff over and getting rid of everything in like like, I thought that was cool like that elements of it. I think its cool, but its just really, really try. Characters that is treated like a slasher film, where all the characters are stupid or irritating and you just want them all to die. So who cares when they do, you know, I like theres finally a predalien if I could see it implied. Predalien. Its so poorly lately. And this isnt Michael ever sing pieces of aliens? Not reveal too much. Now, this is just bad lighting. Series started out. So well so good. She went with the whole new age thing where everything looks clean and colorful one. I dont mind color, but when everything looks clean it, it just doesnt look real right off the bat. It feels like a PG-13 movie, even though its rated R film. At the only thing he did in that film, that I liked. Is there is this constant? Joke that is hammered in multiple times. And I feel like that is only for really nerdy fans, which I am the original Predator. Script was actually called Hunter, it was not called Predator, which actually makes sense, because what hes doing isnt being a predator at all. Hes being a hunter, hes being a Game Hunter. So theres a scene where they come into the basement. Like its we call it a predator and theyre like and shes like, why did you call it that nurse like? Yeah. Well, he stalks his prey and Bob lunch is like but thats more of a hunter. Thats more like a Game Hunter and theyre like, we already took a predator. Sounds cool. And I never Every time theyre like they called a predator. Theyre like but isnt what he does. More of a hunter, kind of know that the original script was called Hunter. It was changed by the studio or whatever and I like that joke, but I felt like it. He makes the mistake that a lot of these and I feel like lets be sure he did Iron Man. 3, so hes coming from. I think the Marvel Universe we are setting up other franchises again, and it has that thing where it it tries to be funny every step of the way. By the way. I like it tries to be funny. Every step of the way. It takes you out of everything. Theres one of the cool shot where theres a he throws the disc in like blood Falls all over this like invisible predator, and it looks really cool. But outside of that, the only thing youre missing, I dont know if you want me to spoil it or not cuz you didnt get a chance to see it yet. So basically the one thing he did that I thought was interesting story. Why is he came up with a reason for why Predators collect the skull with the spine? And I thought that was cool. Theyre essentially making themselves even better hunt. Through genetic modification does the predator of the Cross crashes? Theyre realizing they take a blood sample of that. It has human DNA crossed with it. So theyre basically making bigger better Predators there and theyre basically proving their species through the spinal fluid and DNA of the top. Thats why they picked the top pray because its the best hunt, but it should also be the alpha. Pray that has the best jeans essentially, right? So theres, theres a prior to the, basically comes after this other Predator. Thats like, eight feet tall and its super muscular and really big. And of course, its easy. The whole movie, it. Its not practical once like it is not practical one. Meanwhile there. Is there anything we should I watch Predator for any reason? Is there a really cool scene or Iron Mans very good, but you liked it. So you I mean, Im not a bad way. I just mean that like you might like his spunk. You might like it. I dont know. I I felt like it has some moments that are cool but overall. I did not care for it at all. Like, I I I didnt hate it. I like it about as much as I like alien Covenant. So its, its borderline Doughboy. Like, basically is where it is for me. Its It has I cant even say it has some super cool sequences. Really. I feel like most of the sequences I didnt think were that interesting. And I think thats another thing. I found problematic because of their supposed to be so much going on. I like the idea of not making someone with a disability. Some kind of hindrance the story, making them actually celebrated. I thought that was really awesome. And I do, I wont explain what I mean by that. Again. If you do watch it. I like that aspect of Storytelling but I just felt like the ragtag group your along with. I find them all annoying. I find them really irritate. I find them really irritating and theyre always cracking jokes, even when its inappropriate. Theres even a moment where two of them kill each other lovingly and kill each other. Basically, its really funny, like, it was supposed to be emotional, and I could not stop laughing. Like, I actually rewound it and watched it again. I couldnt help myself. I would actually love to see you. Wanted to see if your opinions different mine. Id love to talk to you about it. Maybe maybe we can talk about this off offside podcast. Remitting were talking about Legend of shanxi. Maybe you can see that one we could. So we can have a little after thought discussion because I plugged down. I need a break from bad movies. This ones been a doozy. I know cuz you wouldnt be watched as I didnt have to rewash them cuz I had unfortunately I was very bored 6 months ago. So I watched a VP and EVP wreck went back to back and I was like maybe if I wash them years later, Ill change my view and then I was like, nope. I only want I only want classic movies from the next week. I dont blame you. I dont blame you. Well, I think my final consensus is we have some of the most interesting well-crafted monsters in any movie and they had their their prime-time a very long time ago. Its Cody has have felt comfortable giving up that creative freedom for somebody to take it to a new Direction. I know that there was a moment where Neill blomkamps almost got a shot at a lien. I was very excited about that. I was so sad when it was. Also, there was an unproduced alien three scripts on that. You can actually find online. It was the original script before they did Alien 3. It was actually way more interesting. It was a direct sequel to alien 2. The one of them all know. Its actually it actually involves Hicks is one of more of the leaves. Actually in Ellen is still in hypersleep and theres an entire sequence on a ship there, basically captured by there. Theyre like pulled in by another ship and I dont remember who was nesting on their ship or whatever, but it gets loose on the ship. And almost reminds me, like, I almost feel like aspects of alien isolation, were pulled from the script, because it cuz its like theyre pulled on to this larger station and a queen gives birth. And it begin. Its another action set piece movie like aliens, but its like a direct sequel. From Aliens in Hicks, is in it, and I think, I dont remember. I remember some mutant new, isnt it? But like, Hicks is in it and he rented to some, I like it and it becomes his action movie and I think Ripley the whole time is still in hypersleep. And the cool thing is the way it is. It almost ends like a setup from Alien 3, but Hicks a new actually survived because they get separated. I think she continues to drift into space or something and they get pulled. So at the end of Alien 3, if I remember correctly, at the end of the scripture, something shes still off drifting. And its almost like the perfect setup for you could have made Alien 3, Alien for, and, you know, and that could have been like, Ripleys Solo movie and the end of her character or whatever, but this was almost like a second half of a lien to or or if not its own movie, but it takes place after a lean-to and Hicks and I think Newt are in it as well. I believe noodles in it as well. And yeah, cuz I remember reading it like at work, but I had like two or three days. It was really slow at work like 2 years ago and I just like blow blow through it. I was like this would have been pretty off. do you know I was reading and I dont know how true this is, but I was reading that during the production of Alien 3. Sigourney Weaver was incredibly against depictions of any guns with in movies and she was just coming off her, Oscar nomination for a lien to. And she was so adamant about there being no Weaponry in aliens or sorry, an Alien 3, that it brought that the she finally convinced the studio to go along with that. And thats why I dont even Tire Prison Complex for guards, dont have weapons and their entire reason behind that is that they work out. The honor System. Actually a line in the movie and said he was like, will there is a fire axe. This, talking to get you far. We work out the honor System here and I was like a maximum-security. Planet prison Works off the honor System, but I but I feel like you might be able to actually make that work. If you think about how its set up the right. Its a maximum-security players in this isolated on a planet. They get shipments to the prison as far as everything. Going correctly, though. So I would imagine if they revolted and killed everybody. Im sure the shipments would stop. And it starts text care of but they dont have weapons. I, I wont lie. Im not saying Im Pro anti weapon, but I think it probably made it more interesting. If youre going to have just one alien because then the question becomes then the question becomes, you mean to tell me you guys have all these guns in this one really need. Everyones missing their shots. This is, this is the other kind of, its probably another kind of calling back to the original movie, taking place in some sort of Temple, and not being in a prison, that would make love the first one. Great in the third one, and in some things like that, like that the doctors beheading scene and all of that. Thats thats it was very good there. So like, there are moments where it actually does have some gray. It has some great moments in a film thats just littered with a lot of problems. Basically and also had some interesting character is like the African-American dude who was in a bunch of movies back and actually thought his character was kind of interesting because he he didnt meant that hes like a murderer and a rapist of women or whatever. But hes no through religion, trying to turn over this new leaf and do something better. But right now Im kind of interesting. I thought that was awesome. Hes like, yeah, natural leader and keeping all these people and potentially the worst of them. Hes like, I was a murder in a way with the women, but, like, through religion, hes found a better calling and hes always trying to be a better person since hes been there. So its almost like, its almost like a Survivor prison conversions, what happened all the time, right? But like hes actually trying to live up to it in this really fucked up situation, you know. Yeah, so like yeah, and I also liked, I also like the Joker. What was that? What they call him, 72 or whatever? Play the, the guy in there. Like what? Whats with this 77 thing? It would have been there. Like, oh, We snuck in. We got, we got a hold of his medical records. Its like you like the slower slower. End of the column. Like I just thought that was so funny. That seems a little, its a little messy, like a great idea. Alright guys, so I hope this was okay. Hopefully, the audio turns out decently cuz like I said, we are doing this over Discord due to social distancing. This is our first time not doing it in the same room. So were kind of trying this out. If this doesnt sound great, then if we have to do this again, we might try something else but you know, thank you guys for being with us for episode 7. I cant believe were on episode 7 already. Thats awesome. I know Im excited. But yeah, I guess well see you guys next time. This is Dennis crushin on Fortune. But Im Dylan and I will see you guys next time. I forgot.