
Cinescussion - Episode - 21 - The Worst Is Not That Simple

Season 2 Episode 8

There are many disappointing movies out there and then there are movies that are just the worst but...sometimes it's not that simple. In fact, some terrible movies are more entertaining than good ones, so we decided to have an experiment based on a suggestion from one of our previous guests, Josef Wilke, where we recommend terrible films to each other that we enjoy because they are so bad, they are good to us. It led to some interesting join us as we suffer through these horrendous films and attempt to cope with laughter. We also discuss Everything Everywhere All At Once, which we LOVED.

Films Discussed: Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Island of Dr. Moreau, An American Werewolf in Paris, The Wicker Man (2006), Catwoman


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Everyone, this is Dylan. And this is also known as a Restless mind on YouTube and welcome to episode 21 of Cinescussion and where we are going to talk about some terrible movies that we can't help, but enjoy ourselves watching mainly because of how bad they are. Before we jump into that, we're both able to hit the movie theaters this week and we saw a pretty special movie that you may have heard of called everything everywhere. All at once, starring, Michelle. Yeoh and a keyway Quan. I hope I'm pronouncing that right and Stephanie Soo directed by Dan Quan and genuine Shiner. As soon as I absolutely love Michelle Yanofsky idea of Michelle. Yeoh leading an American a24 films. Like I I don't even know. I'd like, that's just like I'm in regardless. And then when I saw the trailer looks so phenomenal, that I was just like and then like, we are both seem like it is, it is a ten out of ten for me. I love you. I absolutely love it. It's my film of the year so far, but my my other two most anticipated movies kids only are both coming out on Friday. So there may be some competition. Just movie. I think you do the same thing. I saw the trailer. I'm a huge fan of that, just a 24 oz production company in the decisions. They make in the scripts, that green light. So the trailer for this was really weird, interesting and out there and he felt like the whole Multiverse thing, which is fun to coming out right before Doctor Strange, two and you're like, I didn't look at those kind of want to be surprised and see what was going on and I absolutely loved it. I think the title is super appropriate, the movie is so much all the time and actually The Matrix meet sense8 with even more philosophical, undertones and trying to also break down. It's also somewhat the Tree of Life in the sense that it tries to break down. Like everything about life or a lot about life, through this, essentially Supernatural science fiction, like action, drama comedy traffic, but it's essentially about a woman who is very Harden's to her way of life. Very hard into her views. She's not necessarily mean, but she's definitely not. She's very Unapologetic about the way things are in her life. And it's essentially about her learning to kind of be a better person, not just for her, but for a family and her daughter and kind of bringing everything in her life into full focus in a way that she never thought was possible. What you also, which allows her to not just examined, Life as a whole, but herself through various variations, and it kind of blows her to see Certain things that she was. I don't want to say blind to cuz she's not blind. I guess you just get to experience things from so many aspects that it broadens. Her overall, both emotional and psychological viewpoint on life and like, what's important, which seems very simple, but the way it's done is what's really, really complex. It's like, I'll just say, I never thought cuttings to rock could be hilarious, and also and also moving and one of the most hilarious things as literally just rocks in it. I think it's all so exceptionally Bowl because I do have some friends that are Chinese and depending on like where you're from and stuff there that there are some people that still aren't okay with certain. Let's just a certain modern issues that that are common here that are more accepted and things like that. So, it covers a lot of things that, in a way. This movie is bold in many, many ways actually. Like, it's probably one of the most And I don't mean this in terms of like a political leaning. It's a bit like one of the most Progressive movies I've ever seen in terms of just like Life Psychology spirituality, sexuality, just human nature culture, like everything like that. It's like, you said, everything everywhere. All at once. It's probably the only title they could to the movie Justice, and it sounds like an insane title until you see the movie and the deposit delivered in chapters, which is fantastic. I will say. And because it's an H-24 movie, the directors seem to have a lot of creative control, which is why both Dylan, I love them. And I would say there were certain things in the film that she tried to make us with the student. They would have just been like, no, we're not allowing that scene like at all. Okay, I want that steam every move you because that's hilarious. But yes, I've seen, but also a scene involving. I'll just a tad s and what it cuts do for a living. Things like that. The movie is very colorful. It's very beautiful. I would say the direction in this is top-notch. It's probably the best you can ever do. For what the script is considering, how complex all of the scenes are. And I will also have to give it up to all of the actors in This film. Like they have to play so many different variations that every single one of them is impressive and I feel like every single one of them steals the show like like like the husband who actually was the kid. He was Short Round from Indiana Jones. If you don't know that he's he's phenomenal still since Michelle is always amazing. So there is some amazing things that she tastes even the actress that plays the dollar daughter who have never seen before. Jess. I'm fantastic scenes that are like she can go from being making you feel for her to find her exceptionally creepy, really great. So yeah, it's just, it's just so impressive. And what's really interesting about it to me, is that it's impressive in almost every category. From fight choreography to directions to cinematography to production design to concept art. It just seems like this is such a complex movie to try to get write. The fact that it came together. So well is so impressive. I think that these two directors that I I am. I am on board for anything, they make nexlite like whatever they make next. I will be there opening night. So yeah, I'm an, I also loved it. I think that a couple things that stuff out for me. I agree. All the performances were awesome. I think I was most Blown Away by the actor who played Short, Round, Indiana, Jones, q, u e, a k, weak on every time he was on seeing switching personalities, and especially towards the third act in the movie, where he gets some really emotional scenes. I was just like, man, this guy has so much freaking Charisma every time, like he's on screen and I Never seen him act as an adult and I think the only other thing I've seen him in his Indiana Jones, so it was just it was a delight Michelle. Yeoh getting the deleting screen time that she absolutely deserves and does everything right with it. She's wonderful. I think. My favorite thing about this movie, not only, he's like juggling. It's a, it's a very absurd movie. There's a lot of absurd be going on on the comedy is very absurd. The whores, very absurd, the drama remained very grounded due out, pretty much the entire day of the movie. I think that's where it really kind of hooks you into real life. And it's about a woman, have learning to appreciate the decision she's made, and that she and what she has because of those decisions movie. She's really not enough space to see what she has now. And I think that my favorite thing about this movie, it's the most optimistic movie I've seen in a long time, you know, I've been kind of burnt out on everything is grey and gloomy, and I think the entire message of this movie is Tiny decisions that we make data can lead to an incredibly drastic changes in her life, especially if we stick to them over guide list of the decisions that we make, there's always things to appreciate and your mindset can lead you to Anywhere that you wanted to go. And I think that was, I think it was delivering such a funny and weird and unique and scary way. That by the end of the movie, the the closing monologue. I was like, dude, where did this movie come from? This is fantastic, is perfect. Like, in terms of like episode of them, like it is an absurdist movie to the 100th degree. Almost every aspect of it is. And it and I love it like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I think this movie is very high sci-fi, but it's, I'm not sure what the budget is. I'm sure the budget is not particularly high, but I will say that they went there. The whole yard with this thing and made it feel like a large Budget moving. It felt like another one, those scripts really liked, and that I really going to see this like full movie produced. It's crazy that this exists right now. What is happening? The budget was twenty-five million. Mediocre and don't even look at it, just shows you what a good, what? Good directors, and a good team can come together. And. Do you know what I mean? Like, when they are like, you do? Yeah, it's phenomenal. Even the, even the poster is probably Perfection, like for what. Like once you have even move your like, this poster is literally perfect. It might like, another thing I liked is that there was some cameos or I thought they were going to be cameos in the trailer because of the type of movies. I was sure. They were not there out and I love it. Like, I love this. I never I didn't feel gypped in any way at cuz I hate when you see a trailer and maybe the movies good, but certain things were just there for marketing, you know, by? Yeah, but there were characters that are in the trailer that I was really surprised. We're all in a movie together and you see them on and off throughout the entire film. And I really like that. I like that. Everybody was utilized. You can tell everybody, he was in this movie. Wanted to be in this movie. Cuz every seen even the most absurd scenes, these characters for giving it they're off. And another thing I like is as there were so many elements has to be there. Love from Michelle that I don't feel like I've seen since like super cop or she's being a comedic in the midst of action. And I felt like her and Jackie were brilliant at the I honestly think Super cop is probably one of the top five greatest action films just ever made in terms of like being well made the stunts are out-of-this-world the stories. Good, you're along for the ride, you love the characters. And also manages to be funny in ways. You never would have expected. But like I feel like I'm seeing Michelle yau from 20 years ago, you know, just making me laugh so hard in the midst of s.h.i.e.l.d., Make you laugh and then, literally, the next thing she can make you cry because of how the script is. It's like, it's in such a jumble and it also manages to be literally every John Rafael. So, when it says everything, it means everything. It is every genres film. It covers almost every subject of life. Like, I mean, how do you do that? It's not like 5 hours long. Like, if it's like, 2 hours and 20 minutes. I tell you, and I'm excited to see what the box office results over this movie, because this isn't the type of movie, especially when I saw the trailer, that I would think that too many people go. See. But I remember my fiance and I, I think it was like, Friday night after I came out, we went out to dinner and I was like, we don't need to buy tickets ahead of time like at the box office and go see it. And it was actually sold out that night. There was no space left and then the next day we ended up seeing it in like the afternoon. It was a packed theater and I was like, yeah, like that. They're congratulating guys. They deserve it for sure. Yeah, at work. I went on Fandango, not out there. No paid advertisement. I just tap it and then go, but I went on there, to buy my ticket. I noticed the same thing, like all the receipts in the middle were taken, like the whole drinks basically. Just ask her out of roast beets at 11. I was like, well, I want to see it, so How to row. But I was really happy when I got in there and it was like full and I'm like, this is awesome at 8:24 movie is full. Like the way I see, you know, like some Marvel movies that it was really cool and I guess so far has made about 1840 225 million back. So I hope you are. Well. I think I'm done talking about good movies time for the time to the worst. We each chose a couple of movies that are really bad. I am saying these are the absolute worse, but I have to admit. But one of them I genuinely like even though I know I don't it's not like I like it and I think it's good and you need to understand why it's good to know. It is bad, but I I like it. I don't care. Like I admit it's bad. And I like the Badness like and another one is just so bad that it's good, but it's not but I can watch it. Time because I can't believe it exists and it was written and someone was like, yeah, let's let's I also enjoy both of these movies quite a bit. My shows I must start with the first one. The island of doctor Moreau from 1996 b o r a v y. You know what, the actual remember. Cuz I watch this when I was younger and I thought it was terrible bed. But the steamer ice cream in white, or the end of how. I remember this seem. Like, I remember that scene for some reason, like I think, I don't remember the exact final line in the movie. But when he's talking to the monster man before he gets on the boat, he's like maybe or legs are better understanding before. He sells land of the sun set. I was like, hell, yeah. For anyone who doesn't know the story of the island of doctor Moreau is originally a novel by HG Wells. And it is also a classic film. This was a remake starring. Some really, really big name actors. David thewlis who you may know is Lupin from from Harry Potter and then the big ones. Marlon Brando Val Kilmer. Not sure if you knew this or attend, but sire of the law, the big kind of monster girl at the end of Ron, Perlman will shout-out to Ron Perlman. You say that I'm like, oh, I believe that the story of this movie. It's about a man who was brought to an island that's inhabited by these experimental animal people that this mad scientist is put together to achieve the perfect human and turns humans and animals. So, with that being said, made it more Infamous than the movie itself that I've done really bad. There's a reason I ended up really bad. So this is one of the most cursed kind of film sets that have ever happened with in Hollywood was originally supposed to be directed by Richard Stanley later. Snuck back into making movies made color out of space. That Nicolas Cage, movies that I love your butt later. Very shortly in the filming. Not only were, they are about budget. They were behind schedule. They had multiple issues with like heat and weather that we Like destroying SATs, not as big as apocalypse is now set to strike him but like similar. No top of that Marlon Brando's daughter tragically died very very early. He was not allowed to leave our stop making the movie. He was contractually obligated. So they wouldn't let him step away from his responsibility to continue the film. And then also very shortly after Val, Kilmer found out that he was getting a divorce via an interview from his wife that you saw on television. He was also contractually obligated to stay on the phone and was not allowed to leave. Ya, the side of this movie. So, Richard Stanley, just fed up getting here from the studio with Val, Kilmer and Marlon, Brando were being rebellious and difficult to work with Marlon. Brando would show up almost every single day not having looked at his lines and just kind of show up inside. Drink Val, Kilmer was argumentative all the time, Richard Stanley decides to quit and leaves so they bring in the sky John frankenheimer. So I'm not sure what he's made this movie, but he was just incredibly argumentative back with the lead actors. After this movie was finally completed. David thewlis that, the lead actor in the film wouldn't even show up to the premier. He said, he never wanted to see the completed film because his experience on this set was so, so awful. I don't blame him. He just made the right. Call me, one more fun, facts, Richard Stanley, the original director. He found a way to sneak back into the film in makeup. As one of the animal people and is actually one of them. Like one of the extras in the movie wanted to see what was going on. That's something. But Couple hilarious things. We stop the monster designs are unintentionally, hilarious gorilla and sheet of people that are in like four people. It's just also at the premises. Evolving them. It's like they start as animals and humans alike. Wait, wait, wait, so the folks is no, must have thought this was hilarious, cuz you may have caught on to this. This was the original inspiration for dr. Evil and Mini-Me, as well as Austin Powers came out about three or four years later. I did not know about that's not in the films were terrible which I'm not used to it from some of these actors, but the only good part of a voucher with performances apart. We both agreed on that. We loved. But if it seems like it's like now that you described it, as I imagine, the entire thing has its kind of rebellious and I watched this documentary Val about Val Kilmer's wife and he was so excited. Decided to work on this phone because Marlon Brando was his hero and the purse, like you wanted to get an acting what they did nothing, but argue, they couldn't stand each other. So later in the film, when Val Kilmer get the opportunity. After Marlon, Brando's wrap his last scene. He's literally imitating and making fun of Marlon Brando like in Marlon, Brando, Marlon Brando speech in the movie? You like, what? I felt. Like, I personally, like, Marlon Brando. I know it's terrible but the movies so bad in performance is still over the top. It's stupid, but I kind of love that like, I was kind of like, Slaughtered and lotions. Going to care about people at the electrocute stuff like this. What's like literally talked about one of the most thrown away characters, little early, his daughters with literally literally it is the most weird bike. Okay. Listen, we're going to talk about a movie later which had in my opinion, even more unrealistic relationship. But the fact that David and peruse it was your idea that the retractor each other in this movie is so unbelievable. Like a nun buyable. Then watching them like you to just want to be out of here, man. I'll until this entire this entire film from beginning to end was as people maliciously complying with what they had to do. Some tracks are like no interesting shots. There's just like it's like we just capture the shit. It's entirely enough but it's an unintentionally hilarious mess. It's so I think it just comes down to them. Expecting us to believe the animal people like on top of all the actors not being able to stand each other. But the way they interact with these people and bad, makeup is Rhino practice pressing all the gorilla lady. What time does just like like before it even starts? You're like in the first 20 minutes. So Val Kilmer has lost his damn mind. I really did lose his mind. He was like, this is I can only imagine man. He was like, this is the greatest moment, my life. I get to work with my idol. What the situation is terrible with Marlon Brando and about, especially later to score. Very difficult to work with from a lot of directors, from what I'm told. So I feel like I told her he got a little Yeah, set in his ways and kind of did want to do things his way. From what I've heard from what I've read. And I listen to I watched an interview with Francis, Ford Coppola about working with Marlon Brando and he said that, but what Coppola said effectively and it's not an exact will be said he's met very few billion people in his life of Marlon. Brando was one of them just didn't understand how to communicate with that. Like people would think a check to tell him how to act but what hope would do if he would just give him a proper, give him something to hold the entire performance would change. So he wasn't really difficult to work with, but it always seems like there's a communication thing, you know, although I like lots of people but then in real life is really down to earth, and everyone loves to Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and you know what's funny is like, a couple weeks ago. I watched Apocalypse Now again and watching my libido while Marlon Brando's monologue in that movie, especially the model, like towards the end of the movie, where he's talking about when he was in the military and they were going through vaccinating the town of children and you just like this is actually the greatest actor of all time and then watching this movie like what the fuc. I remember in high school. I think it was high school, but we had like a movie day. And then the teacher was like, you know, I'm tired of moving is always being me to Modern films. Let's pick a classic. And then someone class was like, my mom loves on the waterfront. And I'm pretty sure I watch. Absolutely. When you get so many years. I need to watch that again, actually. Cuz like that was Lily High School. Last time. I watched it a long time, either. But that's that's why you know, somewhat backwards recommendation of the island of doctor Moreau. It's a it's it's on those bad place where you get some popcorn and turn on the last and if you're into it will make you laugh. It's it's really out of control. Okay. So this is one of those things. I'm glad you enjoy it. I would never want to watch it again. Why? But I feel like I gave you. But like a side from the other one that we're not going with the other two, I gave you. I felt like our bad, but they are arguably fun. I felt like, I felt like you trying to punish me with your the worst part is I found in your next two, more offensive than this one. Just because it's so unbelievably mediocre, but I would rather have been bad because it would have been fun. It was just awful, but it is awful but it's like it's not too awful. It's just awful enough, that it's annoying. How dare, you know, I'm at the point of this month. So it's fine. I just like with yours. I was like, Okay, you're lucky because of which of the three? Just cuz you haven't seen them yet. I was considering making all three the first three Twilight movies. I was really thinking about it just to make you watch. The I've seen the I've seen the second one. The only one I've seen. It was a friend. I will let the friends in high school and I was saying it was like this is yet. There's a lot of really bad. I don't understand how anybody likes this. Girl. She's a walking disaster. Fine with me. I had no contact from the first one. I was just there. I was like, I don't know what's going on. That's unfortunate, but I don't really care like you son of a bitch. Okay, so I'll go with the one that you just watched. How about that? So was very popular and they thought you were talking about. I was just like this morning. I was like, I didn't even look it up cuz you were like a critically expand, but I really enjoy. And I was like, I just didn't know. I always thought it was a remake, but instead of being a horror they remained, it's like a horror comedy. But you're telling me afterwards. You're reading in the character. It actually might be a sequel because the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. This is our current lease serafine's character is supposed to be the daughter of the couple from the first movie, which I did not know. So, you guys. That's awesome. I did not know that it's directed by Anthony Waller. I remember it was promoted with music from new music from Bush at the time. And yes. I like that song about a mouth. But anyway, I love your face right now. You're just like is okay. So again, this isn't a film that I'm like, no, it's misunderstood. I know. People think it's bad, but it's good. Like, Simply Irresistible know. This is a bad movie, but it's so enjoyable to me. It is because it's, it's very ridiculous. And, again, absurd ways. And the best part is, I don't know if the writers knew that it was absurd as they thought it was still essentially, the story, as you have three friends that are part of like a group. They're basically extremist the try to win by outdo each other, by doing crazy stunts and they get points for it. And when you first heard them talking, you almost think they're talking about like having sex with women cuz it just seems like a very 90s sexist thing. And then you realize I don't know the whole conversation is there actually like extreme act like they do crazy things and they try to outdo each other and the lead guy played by Tom Everett Scott. Anything. So he's dragging behind points and he basically says, don't worry. I won't need your help. When I get to parents. I'm going to pull up a scent that you'll never top and essential would end up, being a power adapter. Closes, climb to the top and this idiot is going to bungee jump off, something happens when he clearly doesn't plan out the physics of it. Very well. He doesn't cry about the aftermath as they go. There. There is a beautiful young woman who shows up seemingly very distraught and it is a full moon in it. And it's by the way, it starts with an opening of someone running for their lives and something pulls them into the store right now. So if I get with the juxtaposition was supposed to be for sure, so she stands on the lights and she's actually going to commit suicide and he has the bungee cord wrapped around his supposed to take and he doesn't remember that. He just Don't try to talk her off and she's failed. Miserably. And here's where the absurdity guess. It's just interesting times off off. So his friends, prescribe the bungee cord and somehow managed to hold him in her as he bungees down and not break their shoulders or arms or anything and he just drops they're perfectly. And he still has her shoes. Like Cinderella witch did not discuss did not consider the physics of this done somehow. He's still alive in the hospital with her shoe and decides. He wants to seek out this this woman who saved who he he worried. He's worried. She's going to continue to try to commit suicide again, you know an essentially he follows her to wear home. There's blood on her hands. He thinks she's trying again. She comes up with some stuff. She agrees to meet with him and it basically precedes into this thing where he starts to really fall for it cuz he likes her. There are there is actual seeing that is hilarious to me because his friends are very annoying and they're just trying to get him to score. So they step is pocket. Full of condoms to convince her that that's not what it's about. But he forgets, they stuff, then he pulls out a handkerchief. They all come flying over. The US makes them look like contest because I want you to blow big bubbles. Ridiculous, as he does. So needless to say, she is a werewolf. She tried to kill herself because she accidentally changed, and almost killed her father. Who was the opening murder and proceed from there. I don't want to spoil it in case you guys decide to watch it. But in my opinion, the the thing that saved the movie for me as it attempts to be a horror comedy and in the horror and stuff it fails, I think the design of the werewolves is really cool. But this early CG is rough, but I think the way they look in design is very cool. But I think it's 60, is massively as a comedy like, in my opinion, might like the parts that are supposed to be funny. We're genuinely hilarious. To me. Even we watching them. Like, I know there's some Nostalgia, but I still laughed. Really hard. I missed the first time I saw Julie, Bowen, I think she probably would have been, like 20 and this movie or something. I love her from Boston Legal, and she's also, I think on Modern Family now. And then she also did quite a few think, she's awesome. And there's a scene with her as well. They have fun with like before. I think they have fun with the whole murder victims of the werewolves are still showing up as Ghost, and the only way they're freed is, by the way, with the killing them dying and only werewolves can see them. So, there's another group of arrows that are constant trying to kill him and at every point. She's like letting them know where he is. The movie for the time has come out of a decent soundtrack lot of rock and stuff. But like overall it's a very popcorning non-white like it has no doubts whatsoever it and it's uneven The Cutting and some of the other. Some okay shots here and there. But overall The Cutting and direction is very uninspiring for the most part. But I think again, I think the comedic elements are so good that I remember them years later. So it's enough that it's a bad movie that I like because the comedic moment still get me. Tell him. How did you feel about that? All right. The condom bubble gum scene was pretty funny. Now listen here you some in case you want to talk about. Who's punishing, who? God damn, you. I have never seen so many things. I like no other. We disrespect. It was like that. I love American Werewolf in London. I was like, I mean, I know it's going to be a bad movie. So it's got to be something. They're all the time. I've seen that before. Sheila G's like anyone. I hate this movie. Did Tom Everett, Scott plays the lead in this movie. I'm looking at his IMDb to make sure I never want anything that moves. I like, I like this, but everything else was atrocious. I was like, listen watching. I have I've never talked about this gripe, but this movie has it and it's a Trope that I can't fucking stand. It's romantic movies. With an insufferable. Male protagonist woman only falls in love with because the plot needs her to fall in love with it. No, thank you. Please leave me alone. He's like no, but like what if you hurt yourself and she's like, no, you need to get out of here and he's like, Maybe I can help you. Clean your salary, like Alex, and I'm like, oh my God. I saw his friends. Pissed me off. If it's aggressively PG-13, but it feels like I was something I wanted your opinion. I was going to comment, I was going to ask. I was going to wait till your done and ask what you thought the rating of this movie. You like it wants to be rated R. And then I was actually looking for, I remember like I knew I didn't like the characters in the beginning. I was like the hot man. I have to sit with these guys for, like, the werewolves come out and that are the werewolf have fucking tank tops and start sideburns, and they're all edgy and you like Jesus Christ. Like this is like The Arab fucking nineties werewolves did one of them did, but then when he turns into a werewolf, like he doesn't have the sideburns, that's like Fright Fest with a cave in person. The big tension scene comes like 30 minutes into the movie when they get lured to this like underground party where it's like really a front for the werewolves to eat all the American, great storyline. I love you. I love you and I was like gray. Let's get this bloodbath going dude. Like let's get some gore. Hell, yeah, and then I remember the first werewolf. Feel like jumping over tables at jumps on a dude, Kelly Ripa's ass up and then it like show The Shadow and I was like, oh no, What's in the club scene? The lights are flashing through, only sequence of the things you're like. Yeah. I know the, the ghost, the way the ghost being seen by the werewolf sound like the fantastic idea that was executed. So well in the fucking first. It's a movie that says, it's just like my other echinacea. It's so bad. I can't stop watching it. It's great scene where after he gets it and he's at dinner and he's acting like a fucking dog, like eating call me on the phone. I'm reading and I'm like, dude. You're my dude. God damn it. I truly had a terrible time. The funny thing is I felt the same way about yours. So perfectly Statue of Liberty, Evil movie dude. So I see what's going on. I was like, oh they're getting married at the end that it pulls back and I'm like, oh there in America, they have bungee things on the computer, bungee jumping off, the Statue of Liberty. When you drop the ring and they jumped up and literally telling you that his character specifically still her nothing. She's not only is he doing it again, but he forgot to tell you. I'm better. I'm better than everyone was. What do you think? I didn't know. I literally thought this entire time that I should have looked it up. I was like, dude, American Werewolf in Paris, which I thought was London. I'm like, and I'm like, thinking. I think you're thinking of London. London. I have, you know, I was not ready and now that I know it exists. My life is worse for it. You have to show it to more people. It's like the ring tape, like I'm going to bury all the copies in the landfill in Las Vegas at the desert. I'm sorry, every copy of this movie in a landfill. It will never be spoken with. I was grateful for it because I was like, okay, I'll pay for this movie like free with ads, if you know anything about that. If you know anything about me, I have moved past commercials a long time. But this one, I was, like, I'm not paying for it. By the way. Metascore was nicer than Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes says 7%. Metascore has a 31% of Rotten Tomatoes is too high. First of all, I would rather watch this over either of yourself. My phone's hotspot are prime. Okay, first of all, but they're not great acting. That's what matters is what matters doctors. So if you don't expect it to be much of its not, there's no fault that he is a great actor, but this was like before her in the midst of this before, Trilogy, good pay about the terrible movie. The first stage of their transitions before it went CGI look really good when there's danger and bones are really good and then all the sudden it looks like shit and I was like what? Don't you love that ever ending? Stop wasting man. Fighting naked, man. With weird weird serums on his heart and everybody was looking from the other car. Like, oh my God, I love it because it's so stupid, but it is a horror comedy. So kind of worked stupid, police, chief and her guy with the flashlight. Because the movies terrible and they might have been my most hated character as I hated them more than Tom Everett Scott. Somehow. She was just so annoying. What you want to do it. I didn't say shoot them in your life. First of all, why do you sound German suddenly? Why would you not shoot them? They just tried to murder a bunch of people. I don't understand. But it's just like, I will say, I keep thinking of like things I enjoy it cuz I hated it so much that I'm trying to like the tension that really work for me, was when it's early in the movie at the werewolf club or the Americans are going to get ripped off. And there's a friend of the basement has to get out of a cell organ, is a werewolf and it's like attached to a medical equipment in the medical bed. And I think it is only has one leg or doesn't have any others. Idiot, like the one. That's not an idiot in the one, the whole time that telling them. I think it's a bad idea. Let's not do this. He's the one that gets captured by the guys, because they dragged him into it. Right? Like like, uh, like worn his friend when he jumped out of the bushes. You got you. And I again they were you waiting for him to come get him while he was in the book. But instead all the time goes by your stairs and yell and he's just like seraphine and they're still slowly hitting, it doesn't? I feel like why would you do that? Just stabbed him? Ridiculous Escape, we're apparently her house too connected to an underwater way and France. They escaped and then travel directly to her house. So great. It was great. Still in. Okay. Now this wasn't there, I saw you about a little movie that is inspired many New Classic breakout. Smash-hit. Midsummer Solaria. No, no, no, you cannot know who the first Hulk movie on the floor. On this one. Had a leading star. Okay. Yes, you're terrible person. Starring Nicolas Cage by Neil labute. That was supposedly. Fantastic. This was the 1990s is like a cover song where we think of it. Now, you only think of the first of the Covenant, Oh, yeah, this is the air. This is Jimi, hendrix's. All Along the Watchtower. The original was Bob Dylan version, which is great, but you know, a little something extra. So I may show up at your place. I'll be leaving within the hour. What is the Wicker man about? Nicolas Cage. He plays a cop with a dark past. He's trying to run away from, I don't know what automobile accident and it wasn't his fault. He's really handsome as well as his ex-girlfriend wife, who seems to have gone to Mysterious Island enjoin Day, pagan Community years ago, but now there's been a disappearance and she's called him to the island to investigate as if they're missing daughter at anything. So, Nicolas Cage in this movie is pissed. He does not want to be on this island. By the way. This begging island is run by an entirely with. He is the only one and goddamn it. He's going to let them know. Also starring Ellen Burstyn. Shout out to a fucking everything. Ellen Burstyn is done when I going to ask what am I going to say? A dream makes me so sad. And so, this movie is a hardboiled attacktive drama about a mystery on this island and miss this no-nonsense cop is going to get to the bottom of it as Thrills, kills a couple last couple heartwarming scenes and Climax and ending, that will just blow you what you wanted. You think. Where were the last The last year, as intended as like, one time of the movie, that has stomach virus and I was like, oh, good for you. I Like To Movie movie is Nicolas Cage. Wandering through this island, trying to conduct interviews and get the bottom of what's going on. But, you know, there's something nefarious going on and he clearly knows that too. But she should. I do not get to the bottom of that. My favorite part is, when he goes to ball out of his, my favorite part, for one of my favorite things. He goes to the school house was a little girl went to school and he goes and he takes over the class the teachers, in the middle of having this class, with all of these like eight to 10 year old little girls. And he says, you know, she went to this class. He addresses all of the girls are classes like do any of you know her and none of them say a word and he's like, okay, so he goes and walks basically pushes the teacher out of the way start slipping through a larger and he finds little girls named crossed out process. And I swear, if he could get any closer and screaming like you little liar, ten throughout this entire movie. He's going to get the bottom of the mystery and it is, he was better at this job. He would have seen the problem sooner and probably got the fuck out of there. It's only at an interview like if he could, if he could enter receipts to continue to believe his ex who seems to be the most manipulative, liar of them. All from the beginning, like something about her seems totally untrustworthy the whole time and he continues to believe her for I'll reason after years of not seeing her and her just watching out on him for no reason. Like, all of these things. He believes her because the script says he should I even like the immediately when he walks onto the island, while I was in the bag of sugar so much into that. She goes into the hotel and he is just fucking, he slammed his fucking dick on the table. It says, I am the law in this land and they're like to to the fuck. Are you? I am the logger like, from California on your sitting here. Like, this is Washington Redskins, like that more angry. They get are stoic the people. That's why this movie is. So goddamn funny because I'm watching him. Not be able to interview a single-stall appropriately. Everyone is quick to look at him. Like, he means nothing like us. Women run at their, like, this man was one woman who tells him that she wants him to take her off the island with him, and the way the weight, if it makes no sense, but the way he reacts is, so funny, doesn't say anything back to her, like it later when they get into a fight. He has to kick her butt. Hahaha, I love you. Find out what the plan was a long year. Like what was the entire still about her asking to take her with you? He was already there, especially for the ploy that you see. At the end the movie, another terribly. If he was a better, detective. He may have found out what that was all about. Having breakfast. How come I don't have any of your local honey. Honey? We don't have any honey for you. I really wish I could have seen some of the conversations with the director for his. This move has no atmosphere whatsoever. Which is huge for horror movies of it, has no atmosphere whatsoever. And all of the direction is so basic, it might have it might as well have been a Disney movie that you called, like a whore or like a Disney Channel original movie that you called before except. Those have more charm so much better, Actually. I also love that wasn't a Smart House. Horse fence straight once I like them. The lack of atmosphere. Like what else did you enjoy about it? I love how August the ending was going to be, even though I haven't seen the original either. I was like, oh halfway in this movie. This isn't going to end well for him. If I started laughing later because I was like, I text you the bag. It was shaking at the beginning but the little girl, I never actually looked in the bag. Did you notice for no reason? You never actually looked in the back seat, except I just giggled. What's my next guess? He's never done it but I was like, what is wrong with you? Should you finish by looking in the bed just shows you in the first back? 15 minutes that he's the worst detective ever in your life. All the little girls doomed. If this is real the jump. Yes, he was 100. But yeah. And also the entire car thing never made sense. Either like it's like that they're they're not actually Mystics. They believe nonsense. There was no proof of anything Supernatural actually occurred at all yet. There's an entire car sequence and now you're saying they can't find the bodies and yet the feed, the women in the car cuz he looks like the little girl. So my, how did you set that up? How did you kill them? And then like what are you to where where you trying to go with this conspiracy? Thought I don't like at all. And then suddenly the cop, as part of the, the ruse to get him back there likes. Are you claiming she cleared out the bodies or like, like what exactly, it's the thing here? Like, I don't know at all, what he's having the same flashes. You're worried about the budget. I'm like to pay Steven Reef filmed the car accident scene, a different ways to make the dreams free. It just shows the same shots from from earlier, like, a weird black and white sepia filter 18-wheeler crash in the car, and he's like smashing that again. What was looking at him? Like? Yes, are you going to save me or if you have time? So I can swing out there. Thank you to take off your helmet. You dunce and I think it's alright cool before she dies. Like that's why he doesn't like her like was. Come on bro. And that's so bad that I can see some enjoyment even though I hate it and I never want to see it again. This movie is so mediocre Lee bad. It's not even one of the worst movies. I've seen But if so mad it's like so it's so mad bad. But I would rather see a movie cuz at least that's entertaining. This isn't even entertaining. Libads, Ellen. Why did you do this to me to watch Nicolas Cage, run through the woods and punch a woman in a bear costume? Before albeni before a helmet of bees is placed on the side. With all of the movie, straight-to-video movies. He does. I'm sure there are a few of them, know. I avoided this like the plague, that's all you put on the list. I would like to fuck. I can avoid it. I literally can't. It's part of the rules for this episode and brought the plague for my plague in this one. I hope you squirmed. I do Catwoman, listen to watch any movie where the villains. Any movie. Becomes indestructible that is gold. Video game versus the boss was an accountant. God damn it. I think the color green is really pretty, it's colorful. And I said, I don't know how we bury and the cat outfit are awesome. Sexy. She's beautiful. She is it, you know, awesome looking like probably one of the coolest outfits ever. None of it matters. No, by the way, we just went by the term to talk is not the last name not, maybe he's a rapper or alien. Resurrection. It's also a credited for the Catwoman, deleted scenes on IMDb. So we had to make sure you got those like, legitimately bossing zoom up on her butt. Bouncing as, as as the song plays at night. We're playing basketball. We are just learning sexy Cola sexual basketball with a bunch of kids watching and they're not even really playing basketball. By the way. You know, what it is? This seem that scene was on par with the amazing scene from Ben Affleck's Daredevil where they're fighting in the child kids. Playground literally on that level of bad. This is a Trilogy Electra and Catwoman is so I could see that. That's a movie that for sure. Yeah. It's, it's by the way, if you have not seen this guys and gals, the villain actually is a woman who's won so much of her own makeup product that her skin is essentially indestructible by like, that's essentially, I'm not joking about that. But like we talked about how her getting thrown around with still damaged her internal organs know. Her skin is still played by Sharon Stone. I want to know why I'm on IMDb, the movie in the three, top recommended films, like this movie, our Electra Batman, and Robin Daredevil. I was on to something this movie needed, Colin Farrell's Bullseye to really keep me keep her engaged. I don't know if you remember him. Flicking the peanuts. But it's still over the top that it was, It was kind of fun. Like I won't lie, was What the fuck is the first Catwoman power? Like she becomes fat woman and she just goes through something like she turns and like some sort of superhero, exceptionally flexible, but she also was like, okay, she's like grabbing whole fish in her hand. And even if I make that is somewhat cat. Like I'm not mad at it. She's starving after spider runs along walls now. Okay, that's fine for the boss. Oh my God, the front wheel speed. You'll like something. You would read a story like one of your friends who you know is lying which are you here with my boss. I told them off in front of everybody. He fired me but everybody clap like that scene in the so obnoxious Lee supportive of all the Bad decision. Especially considering I hate that I actually like the score during that scene. It's ruined by such a terrible sick. She's just dead and the score starts for all the cats go up on her. It's just like, oh no. Did you know that the water would be? Cuz I cant get sleep at all about writing. So terrible. It was something I think they were still at the point where they thought that if you just made a superhero movie with, it would be great. Never will come see. It didn't matter if it was good. Just put throw the money at it. And I think that was the concept could like movies, like Ghost Rider. This they just have terrible scripts. Although this was far worse than Ghost Rider. Even the guards writer was terrible. Like I think I'm going to start. Sam Elliott the good things and bad movies. Train had a great day and had a great cat outfit. You know, I also have Peter Fonda, director of I I, I was like way better than I had any right to be terrible. But do you know what? Think what they will give me credit for those who is Halle Berry? I think if I'm correct. She was the first person to zombie for r, a z, and I believe she was the first person to ever actually show up to the razzies to accept it. And not only that, she was an awesome sport about it. Like this is paraphrasing cuz I remember everything, but I believe she showed up actually pretended to be stunned when they read her name. For the award went up, except that I pretended to cry. I was like, I don't know who to thank for this and then I realized last and it people cop for cuz it was awesome that she showed up. She had such a great attitude and she was like, well first I want to thank one of us actually kind of liked. That is really cool. After watching these. My biggest regret is nobody starts out to make a bad movie. Like he's all stock and like you can tell when people don't have like a Clear Vision or maybe after your meddling, but everybody wants to make something go to things that happened in the background and you need to do is just my opinion. I doubt that was the script was Halle Berry signed on cuz I mean, I doubt people are going to read that and think that's great. Let me in this, you know, like I bet you it's kind of like she was probably approached, you want to be Catwoman. That's a huge honor and she's like, yeah, sign me up. And I took it off cuz there's many times where people sign on board before there's a script that they want to be that person. Write like it's like if I have to start like I just imagine her as signing up for this and then getting in from the ocean my career if you want to see the dailies enough Nope. I trust you and I trust you to toss trying to call him by his real name. He's like he's like, no, I trust you and that you just like know that won't do for me. The weird thing is one of the writers in the movie was actually good. One of the writers group. One of the ride was John brancato and he wrote like the game. He wrote 90 95 or Route 9 to 95, the net with Sandra Bullock, which I thought was pretty head of its time. He did write Terminator Salvation though and Terminator 3 and surrogates. So you did and then Theresa rebeck. I don't believe has written from what I'm seeing here. I don't know why she wrote a lot of TV show stuff, but some of it was popular, something. I don't know. Yeah, it just, it just seems like they are. I just don't understand how this was the main story and it was actually approve. Do you know what I mean? Like, it really does feel weird bike, like I don't know how else to do about it, but that like, that's why it's one of those movies that I think is awful. But whenever it's on occasion Lee, I will still watch it because I ate it with popcorn and a smile on my face tonight. I can't believe this movie was Green. You know how to turn on 2002, what's going on here? Let me see Stella. If she's a dude. I love your in John Wick. 3 OST. She was so cruel to their own stunts. But yeah, like Catwoman was just a, I don't even know if you can tell what the color gray and stuff. They tried. They tried so hard to make it. Look who tried to color a coloring and stuff to make up for these babe. But, you know, it's times like this. That I appreciate the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A little more. I know I'm not the main audience. I'm not super into a, but they haven't had anything. That's bad. I don't know, but I think they had a couple but yes, that most of them and that's there's a few that are above that. But they think they're fine. Like they're solid, you know, like that that you can tell that they do care about their product. And then one thing I will say they do care. I personally don't feel like, they always care as much about actual artistic creativity, which bothers me, but I do feel like they do care about their demographic. Like some of the things that they have in their films, the fanservice. They are good at you. No trading the kind of fan service. A lot of people want to see which shows that you care about their audience enough, you know, to, you know, deliver on those things. So I definitely respect them for that. For sure. There's a looking for some better movies coming out. We got the Northman. This weekend, we can only go up from here. We guard the massive weight of unbearable Talent this week, and I don't know. I don't know. I didn't see the second one cuz I thought needs to be expended on some Wizard and stuff in America, which they don't talk about my son Harry Potter, which is cool. But, you know, I wasn't like, loving it, but it was fine with good. I'll probably see the second one and then the second one wasn't worth your while. And then once I found out they dropped Johnny Depp as like I'm done anyway, like, cuz that whole situation that's going on right now and legal help. I was watching that court case was hilarious. By the way. I do not imagine that. I love messing with it. That's a great guy. I've always liked you quite a bit. How's things on point actually and the director? I know he's a good director cuz he did. Like the last four or five Harry Potter movies. I know he's a good. I just feel like this has been a Fantastic Beasts if I'm correct. Yeah, what's So I'm looking right now. It says Fantastic Beasts, a secret double door and there's also a Fantastic Beasts where to find them 5 and 4, an oz is 2 more. Like well, I was also reading that the other future. The series is kind of hinging on the success of this movie. And I don't think this movie is too. Very successful right now. I think it's loaded mixed reviews. Yeah, I'd almost there music. I've liked on the lower end and it definitely seems like the second movie was mixed in this one's low. So it does feel like they've each one has had worst reviews, so unfortunate cuz I'm kind of hoping for their success just for the fans and stuff, who loved that world, you know, for sure. I can't wait for Hogwarts Legacy in a really good Harry Potter fantasy know I've read the books and stuff. But I think I took the test, there was like a few different tests that are like based on, you know, that, you know, the questions, you know, it puts you in what house you probably would be putting in that world. And I think I did like eight times seven times. It said, I was Ravenclaw for some reason and then the other time it supposed to rain. So I was like, okay, then I know I'm always Gryffindor and I've gotten Hufflepuff once or twice a bad day on the slytherins, the rest of time and probably Ravenclaw B frustrated with people. I know there are actually five red three through to the end. I didn't read the first time I watched the first two movies I started with the third book and it is still my favorite. I love that look like it is with a She's a good writer and has a good editor clearly, cuz they're they work. Well, together, like her stuff to actually really good. I think. Well, right on man. This was a terrible experience. I'm happy about it because the experience was awful 100% but talking about it with fun so I can have the stack of movies. Like fuck. That guy was like, he's going to fix. He's going to take some shit that he thinks it's terrible and I agree. It's terrible. But it's the kind of terrible that I enjoy cuz I'm so mad. It's funny. And you literally take two movies. I was like, oh like How to make your making me? Watch that movie. I tried to avoid that version of wicker. Man, at all costs for 7 days. Hope you and Brian. All right, man. It's been a blast as always. Can't wait to do it again in a couple weeks. Thank you to everybody who listened in. Please let us know which enjoyed about this conversation. Maybe what? You didn't share around. We appreciate. Yes. Yes, please sharing on social media and stuff. Really helps us out where the mouth is pretty much how we spread. So thank you all who has done it so far. We have seen some of our numbers grow out a little bit. So that's really cool. So, thank you. Everybody would appreciate you and we will see you in a couple weeks later.