
Cinescussion - Episode 19 - Miyazaki Squared - Guest Josef Wilke AKA: HashtagSpooky

Josef Wilke AKA HashtagSpooky Season 2 Episode 6

The world of Miyazaki is absolutely breathtaking and... well both worlds are...sigh. OK, so there are really two Miyazaki's, and we will be discussing both of them this episode, along with our first guest Josef Wilke, AKA: HashtagSpooky! He is a good friend and colleague who works as a video editor, content creator, and game streamer. Spooky has also published graphic novels and currently has other projects in the works. The main topics of this episode are Miyazaki Hidetaka's Elden Ring and Miyazaki Hayao's Studio Ghibli films. Find a comfy chair, car, or hell, maybe a bed and join us as we glide through the worlds of the Miyazaki's.

Projects Discussed: Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki Hidetaka, Miyazaki Hayao, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, Ki Ki's Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, The Wind Rises

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(This has been transcribed by a third-party application so it may not be 100% accurate.)

Hey everyone, this is Dylan.

And this is fortune, also known as a restless mind on YouTube and today, we actually have our first guest good friend of mine and colleague.

Everyone my name is Joseph Wilkie. I go by hashtag spooky on everything. I'm a writer, online content creator and all around dork.

Yes, that's why we get along. I must be must be organise. This is true. That's true.

Kind of have to be if you want to, you know get along with you guys right?

I agree it's kind of

awesome. Well, today we were talking to me as Aki so there are multiple that we'd like to discuss today something that has absolutely consumed my life outside of all of my need to dues is the brand new from software game Elden ring directed by head attacking me Izaki this man has made almost all of my favorite games since 2000. After another they keep slinging them out, man. It's unbelievable every time I think that it can't get any better even before Elden ring came out. I was like, I'm sure it's gonna be good. But there's got to be some overhype to this because it's not going to be like that great again,


Holy shit gave me the general Yeah,

I was like, I don't know if it'll be good as good as Dark Souls three. I really liked Dark Souls three and I was like, so it's probably my favorite game from him. Hands down. Like I just

love it. So yeah, man, I

need to I need to beat it. And then I need to replay Bloodborne like right away just really is my favorite.

Yeah, yeah, I need to replay the other one too. I played it, I think last year or the year before again. So fortunately, something my fiance and I bond over it. She loves watching from soft games or Souls games, so it gives me even more reason to play him. No wonder you guys are getting married. Yeah, yeah, no kidding. Once it came down to Lord of the Rings and Dark Souls, I was like, Wait, we're Lincoln on this. This feels. This feels like something I feel spirits, right. But man, I think I'm not kidding. I must have clocked in 120 130 hours over this past month of this damn video game man. Like it has taken so much from me, but given me more so

that that weekend, he literally texted me because he only had been playing and I think three days and he was like, help me for two hours you put in 40 hours. And I'm like, Nope, no. He's like, I can't save you. I'm busy getting sucked in myself. Like, it's like you're on your own. I'm like on your own then.

A few days I haven't done that since like high school. But I was like man, it's gonna be an open world games gonna be great jazz took a couple days off of work. We like shut the blinds, got the snacks turned on the TV. And that should didn't turn off till like Monday.

I was watching you the whole time.

Like watching the whole thing. To be fair, like

my game starts out. And the game starts off to like, you think it's already huge. When you climb out of the tutorial area. You just see the giant map in front of you. Yeah, and then you open up the map screen and you're like, Wow, this game is huge. But then the more and more and more you add on top of it. It just feels like it's never going to end. Yeah,

like I thought I was shocked at how big the underground system was. And then I recently looked at my brother's Underground map. That's like a third of it and I thought that was insane. I was like wait, there's more somewhere. Like oh my god, bro. Like, yeah, it's It's bananas. I don't even know like,

Dude, it's so engaging I feel like for the games that I've played because I do I do play more single player games. Well, I mean for anyone who listens the podcast I'm really into fighting games of course but that's kind of the extent of like well multiplayer games that plays so I'll play single player games when I just want to relax I'm not like in a super competitive mood. And this is gonna realize I've been playing the same exact game for like 10 years like once it removed like the quest markers and the go here and do this and the weird this outpost and the climb this tower like it gives it gives so much respect and attention to the person who's navigating this game. I swear I was taking notes on my phone. I was like this person wants this from me go here later and then when I get lost I'm like looking at the notes on my phone like what the fuck do I do?

Completely lost notes.

Did you recently hear about the wall that you have to hit 50 times before it opens?

I did you know what's good about that is going to the old games and thinking 50 times especially in blood borne I swear there's got to be a 50

I know like Dude, it makes you question everything. I bet you they have like a stockpile list of things that no hasn't found yet like things that have not been, like posted on any wiki yet. And I like how they still haven't found them.

You guys have the OG Zelda like the fourth one for any? Yes,

I have not. I have not I'm sure Dylan has played, really

the entire time I'm playing Elden ring reminds me so much of the first time I ever played Legend of Zelda as a little kid, having absolutely no idea where to go. Just exploring the overworld my little mind being blown by any tiny little secret that I can find.

Sounds about right.

Yeah, that is that's exactly what it feels like I was saying this feels like Kevin aquamarina Time moment, or Grand Theft Auto three moment where I feel like the structure of this game, we're probably hopefully at least going to feel kind of dedication to it for the next who knows maybe 510 years of kind of game development. So I think the ideas nests are so fresh. And I think I hope everyone tries it. Because you know, the Souls games have this thing about them since they've started that they're difficult. They're they're inaccessible. You know, they demand a lot of you. And I mean, that's all true. But even from a design perspective, like, it can be frustrating to not be able to break through something. But I think this game even more than the previous ones, makes you feel that kind of failing and death. It's all part of the fun of it, you know? And yes, like tying in different ways, you're coming across weird things that you have to navigate. It all feels like a puzzle. And at least when I die in this game, to be fair, there have been a couple parts where I'm like, I need to turn this shit off this

topic a couple times to I've said that to my stream. I'm like, This is what's supposed to happen. This boss is not supposed to be fair. He's not fair. And that's fine. That's from soft, but I need to take a break.

Most of it too is like trial and error going Yeah, games to like make a man to for sure. Apple is a game where like, you have to learn the layout of the maps. But going forward, where the enemies are where to stand all that kind of stuff, right? Battle totally.

Yeah. Second Second map. It's like, oh, you talk about hard games, just the second level of Battletoads. You'll be on it for a week and then you finally beat it in then you're like, oh, wait, if I die, I still go back to the beginning. No.

Game is like, yeah, or something like that. Right? wizardry five. Oh my god. With Dark Souls, though. The only hard part was the learning curve and learning how the game actually plays. Am I ever yeah, pretty exhausting, kind of interesting story about like, I got Dark Souls about Prepare to Die Edition. One of my friends was really into the series one to watch me play it. So I was starting off, I kept getting my ass kicked. I had no idea how to actually play the game properly. Right. And I got frustrated that gave up at the torus demon because I couldn't get past him like the first real mini boss of the game, right? Yeah. I want to say like a year down the line, my friend and I share our steam libraries. So we can pick and choose from our libraries and like, pick which games we want to download and play. They missed the Dark Souls three. And I was like, you know, it'd be kind of fun to get my ass kicked for like a half hour. Why not? I'll just go ahead and install it booted up, right? The tutorial and the tutorial boss of Dark Souls three is so unbelievably genius. And it taught me how to properly play the game. Yep. And when I like finally figured it out, it clicked. I had this moment of like that first boss, not champion gun deer but somebody. What are the other like gun deer is the statue dude who? Oh, yeah, yeah, was there was a moment where like, he went to attack me. And as I raised my shield to block that I didn't get knocked over anything. And that's when it just clicked. I was like, Oh, I know. I play this now. And then I kick that bosses ass and it felt so satisfying. Yeah, I immediately turn off Dark Souls, three, Buddha Prepare to Die Edition, and just played it non stop over until I got to the like, final end of new game plus seven. Mm hmm. Nice. Yep,

that sounds that sounds about right. Like it does that. And I think something that's interesting. What I another thing I appreciate about this game is and that Elden ring did two things I think that are interesting. For one, I think Dylan knows this about me, I kind of I understand that some games are meant for like a younger crowd and stuff. And that's great. But I don't like the idea of what the industry does now where you kind of boil every game down to like the lowest common denominator denater of like, simplicity. And I understand that it sells more when it's more accessible to more people. And I do like accessibility, but at the same time, I do like unique visions and following them through. And what I like about this is he followed the vision through, it's not going to be accessible for everybody, but not every game is for everyone. You know what I mean? And I would also think another thing that I think is great about these games, though, is the lack of accessibility is universal. You know, it's not like targeting specific people. It's like it's not going to be it's not going to be fair or nice to anybody, you know what I mean? But it rewards you for it's okay to fail, it's okay to fail and keep getting better, like you were talking about. And that's a huge part of these games. And that was a huge part of classic games, they were meant to be hard. They're meant to challenge you. But it helps you get through frustration and get better at problem solving, and just moving forward, which is how life is. So I actually appreciate that. And the other thing I like about them is, I think the brilliance of making this game open world is that like in previous Dark Souls games, there would be certain areas that are just locked off until you beat that boss. So essentially, if you need to level up, you have to grind that same area, or maybe an area before you know, and level up and then come back and beat the boss. But the cool thing about this game is essentially the same thing. But because it's open world, you can go cut your teeth on all these side bosses and all this stuff. So the grinding to level up and then come back and being leveled up for someone can be a lot more fun because it's not as samey. You know what I mean? Like like you can do it in various different places and sometimes that unlocks crazy side missions that are awesome. So like and like my friend Chris knows I'm like that I'm weird. I don't necessarily play it literally. I like to find as many bonfires or in this case graces and now maps as possible. So I'll run into areas where I have no business being and just light all the graces so I can go wherever I want. But then the funny thing is, I end up killing so many side bosses that now I've come back to like the main story and I killed the first two bosses easily and I think what is it Godfrey or whatever, in the lindo city, I killed them on like the fourth try or whatever, because I'm over leveled, but it's just because of, like, I'm sure it's gonna catch up to me, but like, it was fun. Like, it was fun leveling up, like, by the time I get to him, I'm like level 75 Now, you know, it's just like, and I'm currently fighting rode on the first time. Oh, luckily, I didn't get tough. Yeah. You know what's funny, though, you know, it's funny the random was laughing because I beat him on the fourth or fifth try and it was the second trial. It's like, why are these things lit up like summons and then I was like, ah yeah, exactly. And I thought that was such a cool fight and random was laughing because he was like, I can't I'm not telling you anything because I was streaming and he was like, I can't wait to see this because he says most people get one shot you know when they spawn but I came into it Yeah, I came into it later at like level 70 So I took the hit but still had like a third health and then I just started dodging and rolling but the funny thing is my first death was actually embarrassing but good for stream but it was before I was like this teleport seems like a trap. So I'm gonna run across the river and there's like little messages in the river so you think that there must be ground there and I literally I literally just got invaded by an NPC before the boss by I killed him was real proud of myself and then I was like let's go and I just walked off the ledge and like random of course clipped it and I was like you some pitches because like yeah, try jumping. Okay,

yeah, why well

yeah, yeah, I didn't try jumping I just tried I didn't even think about that. I just saw the messages so I thought I could run across the rubber I didn't even check and random was Yeah, and random was really like it was the best because you just got invaded by this guy that was way higher than you and me and the summon guy finally killed him. We felt good about ourselves and then I just walk off the ledge

dude the greatest clip from that fight but I wish I could like share it we need to do video one of these times but I'm totally now the third phase that fight the boss literally jumps into orbit. You know what I mean? You see him fly away. And this was the first time I had gotten that phase I did not beat him on fourth try I beat him on my fucking I don't know 15

I'm yeah, that's normal. I'm over level by hell

though. Yeah. Space and I'm like, okay, something's coming in. I have no idea from my perspective, I'm walking around the desert. I fucking explode just blows up. And I didn't know till I got back to that phase that he comes back and he came in behind as I was like trying to summon more people. I was like, do the automatic you lose this fight.

That happened to me my third time, because the first time I was lucky that I guess he just targeted NP C. And the third time he comes to me and I'm like, I'll just put it my shield now.

Like, you can come in patches on that fight. No, really. He's just on there. You bring in I think you have to do like the first two parts of this class. But the funny thing is you summon him. He walked him a few steps and then runs away

I won't lie. I took the opportunity immediately to kill him. I was like, I don't care what you might give me like I just asked him in the back and he was like, Well, I guess it had to happen. most rewarding thing, bro.

Don't kill him. So I'm at like I'm crying. Like near the end, I'm like kind of ramping down. I think there's like two or three bosses left. So I'm pretty sure that I've finished patches flatline. he betrays you throughout that game. Like there's always done instances where he fucks you over and you're like, Dude, this is ridiculous. You piece of shit.

Yeah, it's like it's like times 10 I'm told like Yeah, it's like but that's patches like what do you expect? Do you know that he originally showed up in one of their early I think it's Armored Core games. That's where he came from. Oh yeah, I think yeah, I think it was Armored Core. Let me double check something I see some Demon Souls he like goes yeah all the way back No Yeah, he wasn't demon source but he was originally a character and hang on I believe it was Armored Core because they I believe that was like their one of their big earlier franchises and he was one of the pilots yeah Armored Core and he was a character called like something patch or something like that but he was the name of the pilot and one of the records so I guess the funny thing is when I looked into it he goes even further back then Demon Souls which I thought was the origin but it was not so that

so we got to figure out how armored corps and demons are somehow connected. Okay,

don't worry don't worry I'm sure and I'm sure it's gonna be called like Elden core and there's gonna be like a world where

no, worlds are connected like core right and then in post apocalyptic world is actually yeah

or or Elden ring was the old times and armored cars what the magic and science has become

more than speaking a Demon Souls I got into this series back in I think it released in 2009 office shitty recommendation from a game store employee I was really into the Elder Scrolls Oblivion at the time, I had never seen anything like it. And I went to the game store, I had beaten it. And I went to the game, and I was like, I want something like this. And the guy's like, well, we have this game and he fucking sold me Demon Souls. And I'm like, you piece of shit. You're a terrible game store. Thank God first and it worked out for me.

Yeah, I remember back in the day when I met you. I just so you know, I actually met Dylan years ago playing Mortal Kombat on an Xbox. He lived in California. Wow. He's he's one of he's one of my like, second oldest online friend actually who ended up moving up here which is really cool. But I remember we both were playing Skyrim together when that came out with states us and I remember like playing with you and just you randomly just starting to laugh burst into tears. And I was like, what happened? And you were like, I just got jetted into space by by an by a giant and I was like, wait, what he's like, I'm not telling you I want you to explain and then you had fun when people invaded you and you did like the stream and just like blew him off bridges.

Oh, and souls. Yeah. You know, I want as many people play Elden ring as we enjoy and I think when it comes to shots ability, like you mentioned you don't have to, to back up in previous Souls games when you came across a challenge. You kind of had to bite your head against it until you figured it out again and again. And again. You don't have to do that in this game. No, you can go.

whole point of the tree Sentinel boss. Yeah, right. You're so underleveled giant monster waiting for you if you took the song. G is run away from him. Leave Yeah, yeah.

So I died 10 times and I almost killed him early. And then I came back after like 10 levels and killed him just out of frustration. I did it the hard headed way. But I should not have like

even past grinding, there's so many things to help you there's this mechanic called Spirit summons where you can summon little homers, it's like Pokemon, you try to catch them all you get to you their alternate kind of paths you can go if you're running into one area, and it's too hard, you can go to another area where if you play online, you can summon people to help you out. Like it's never been more accessible. Like they didn't have an easy mode. I know that's been a conversation for a long time that there should be an easy mode. But there are so many ways not to make it less challenging, that this is the most accessible the series has ever been. I think it's a great kind of kickoff point for anyone who's interested.

I think they did a good job bouncing it too, though, because it's more accessible in that regard. And also in the fact that from almost anywhere you can teleport to a grace rather than having to find a bonfire. But what I think makes it awesome is it still is challenging in the sense that that's that's more easier, but I would argue bosses are tougher, which is way tougher, which I think yeah, which I think actually balances it out. But like they make you want to break your controller more, but the rest is more accessible. So it's like, fine, we made some things more accessible, but we have to make this even. It's like if we're gonna give you something we're gonna take something. Yeah, so it's like yeah,

and I like gamer diabolical like in their means games. It was like they would lift their sword or their weapon. You would wait for them to start to drop it and you would roll and it was all good and This they lift their weapon, they wait five seconds, they jump in the air, they land, they look to their left, then you roll in, they hit you out of your roll. Yeah.

I swear to God, like 70% of the bosses in this game, if you're used to souls, it's like, Oh, there's the opening 70% of the boss in the scheme have like one to two RNG abilities that they can throw in that gap at any time if they want. And you're just like, and you're like, What the fuck? And you're just like, Oh, this isn't supposed to be fair. Thanks from just like, let's go. Yeah, it's true that

no, I kind of disagree with you on the idea of it not being fair, it's up to you to adapt. You just got to really like learn in the best way to learn is like, through experience, like, obviously, you're gonna die one or two times, but you still have the opportunity to improve upon, of course,

videos of people like playing the bosses I beat and they're just like going in there naked with the club and dodging. Winning it out without getting hit. And I'm like, oh, like, there is a way to do this. I can't figure it out. But this guy figured it out.

There is there there is but what I mean by that is I mean, like an old games, I felt like, in my opinion, the gaps were bigger. And in this game, depending on what your build is. There have always been bosses that are easier with different builds, and you don't know until you get to them. But in this game, depending on what your build is, because the caps are smaller. Sometimes even all the learning in the world this is gonna be kind of a bullshit fight for you on a level that's different than Souls games, in my opinion. Like that's what I mean by that. I'm not saying it's completely unfair, but I feel like it's there are some bills that you're just like, Well, shit

on you at the term more challenging?

Fine, fine. Yes, it is more challenging. Yeah, I like it, though. I'm not upset about it. So.

Yeah. And then also, I can't wait till we're a year in and everybody on YouTube can tell me what the fuck is going on in the story? Because it seems great. Because I have no idea.

I have some interesting. I have some theories, but I'm only like halfway through the game at most. So I don't know. Yeah,

it's pretty wild. I've like, I've watched from one lore video, and I was just so lost. I was like, Yeah, it's like the most confusing parts of like, Norse and Christian mythology, just kind of like smash together.

George RR Martin helped design some things too. So yes, some really cool stuff. I mean, that's a really cool combo. I mean, that was one. Honestly, I was sold just because it's from soft, but like, I remember when I heard that, like my hype level just went through the roof. Right. Like it was really good as a really cool thing. I liked it.

Yeah, yeah. Two creators kind of known for their world building and for sure, and work together on something like this. It's pretty great. Yeah, that was

a dream collaboration. I'm going to kind of talk about George RR Martin without bringing up the winds of winter except for that time. I just want it but I was reading about kind of the extent of his collaboration. And apparently what he did was he wrote a short story that would describe all the lore of the world. And then he wrote a few characters that would be within the world but me as Aki wanted all five points of what's going on the current game to serve the gameplay experience and since George RR Martin didn't have anything to do with that, he didn't write any of the the common threads that you experience in the game, but it was all the lore and kind of world building that he could pass to me as Aki, me as Aki could build all the stories he would actually participate in. So it kind of served the player experience. I thought that was a really creative and interesting way to work.

Very interesting collaboration. He's basically like here I built the sandbox. Now go ahead and play in it and see what you come up with.

That sounds really cool actually. That's that's that's very interesting. Actually. It kind of it kind of reminds me of the process of their mind band called polythene. That's totally different episode where I'm not gonna go into this. Polly Awesome man look into

what I imagined is George RR Martin was like here is, you know, the great banished Knight. KENNETH O'Shaughnessy, and then from soft is like, fantastic. So he's a spooky grab. He's like, No, it's like he's a he's a banished Knight from a foreign land. He was left from his family and now he's trying to regain his arm. Oh, so he has 19 arms? No.

Hey, let them do their thing cuz I love it. It's fine with me.

Imagine like Miyazaki getting the notes for everything right? It's like okay, um, let me just make sure I'm reading this right. There's a character here named dung eater, are you that's not a typo.

He was like actually that his

files corpses and eat fit. Alright, cool. You know what, we're just gonna go with it.

Like I said, it's a typo in there like No, no, we love it. It's like It's like the Nicolas Cage is the agent skit. It's like butt face. It's like Oh, can we do it? No, that was a joke. Nicholas you don't want to do this woman how are we going to make it then? Damn it when I

didn't take a five second break here

sure one thing really

I am excited to wrap this game up because yeah, I'm excited to be productive again. I have a lot going on in my life and I think it's important that I prioritize and this has made it very difficult to do that.

You have a lot going you have a lot going on and then we have a lot going on with productions do exactly and I have to be honest, it's kind of the same for me like I watched the to give them my free time. I was like, I could do some more shortlist, but I haven't played Elden ring all week and then I was like fine. So I got like 12 hours of Elden ring in this weekend. It felt fantastic. I went from like

three monitor setup you have on one monitor you have Elden ring on the other monitor and whatever project you're doing on the top monitor.

Take the shot list and exhale on the third monitor just with my mic while I'm playing. medium close up on Dylan scene five take

you just play Elden ring with like one hand on a controller while you're typing with the other hand

and then you'll know how well the ring goes when you read my shot list later it'll be like medium take shit fuck What is this thing on Scene B for

the budget to have a guy crashed through space to kill us all explosion

Don't worry I'll just do it in post by the way, I

used to play Dark Souls on a DDR pad oh my

god runs are insane Have you

not that's how I've seen one where like

a guy beat like the first boss with the ring fit controller you know that there's already like no hit runs and then the ones that I always think of the most impressive are the God runs Have you heard of those?

No No I've heard of a no

is a no hit run on Demon Souls. Dark Souls One Dark Souls two souls three Bloodborne and sicuro Oh my gosh. Seriously entire from soft souls like catalog secure oh two? Yes. Security in one go. No hits. No deaths.

This guy must be a God at parrying.

Elden ring feels like Misaki heard about God runs personally

I know it's even worse to 30 minutes speed runs the decided to patch all that shit out.

He's like, No, we have to make sure that we can fill these gaps with RNG like he's like, no one will do this shit with my game.

Forget exactly where but there's like a notorious skip at least on the first patch where you could like run up a tree and then basically skip an entire portion of the game. Seriously. Yes, seriously. Like I'll send you guys some links. There's like speed runs that are out there where like it's elder drinks done in 30 minutes.

That's insane.

i Wow. It's like

the the most notorious skip was done on this tree and then the most recent patch if you go to that location, that tree is now gone. Oh my

gosh, that's hilarious. That's how they fixed it.

I've ever been in dispute. I mean, I guess everybody has their taste but my mind I'm like, did you even play the game? But I guess there is kind of effort to it. You know, how quick can you get to that finish line?

Yeah, I mean, yeah, I do feel like you'll probably miss out on a lot of the world building and all the cool stuff but like yeah, if you're just speed running the game, yeah. Most of them probably speed run after they've beaten it the first time I

imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Geez man, talking about these Ghibli films because weeks of darkness in Movie land. have any final thoughts on elven ring before we talk about some? Yes, I do have one anime but I do think Disney anime

kind of. I do have a final thought and that's even though I love you from soft. I want to say go to hell when it comes to your frickin hand. Spiders go to hell like spiders already creepy enough and you had to add these frickin hand spiders like just Just what the hell like what the hell is wrong with you people I love it but what the hell is wrong with you?

Like underground and jump up and grab? Yes,

yes. Yes, yes. I hate I had a hard time. I

was ready for that. No, me neither.

Like something grabbed me and then another one dropped from the frickin sky next time I look up and I see them everywhere and I'm like, I literally was streaming and I actually did that multiple times. I was like I was like I'm not like trying to make the stream laugh I'm actually I don't like spider especially giant spiders in there. And they look like decrepit hands. I mean, come on. And then the worst part is not about Webb, they have a spell that makes you unable to move as they come skittering towards you, and then like, Oh, dude, like, son,

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