
Cinescussion - Episode 17 - The 2007 Western Trilogy

Season 2 Episode 4

Who doesn't like a good Western? After our conversation last time about The Yellow Light Trilogy we were intrigued by another community proclaimed trilogy referred to as the 2007 Western Trilogy (There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men, and The Assassination of Jesse James). Tune in and grab some popcorn as we discuss the trilogy that delves into the darkest elements of America, old and new. We also saw Jackass 4 and Netflix's All of Us Are Dead, which turned out to be a pretty great Korean zombie show.

(Correction: In the podcast I say I saw There Will Be Blood in 2007 but it turns out it was in 2008. The film was released in December 2007, so it took time for its DVD release. I remembered later that the Halo tournament was in 2008 so I had to be wrong so, my apologies.   - Fortune)

Projects discussed in order: Jackass 4, Netflix's All of Us Are Dead, There Will Be Blood, The Assassination of Jesse James, and No Country For Old Men

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Hey, this is Dylan. And this is fortune, also known as a restless mind on YouTube.

And welcome to episode 17 of discussion with a brand new mic on the track. Sound gather feeling that

you have your Yeti and that's my next purchase so that we both have one also, it'll be better for my YouTube channel because like, the one thing I'm notice is my audio is okay, but like it definitely needs an upgrade. So,

yeah, yeah, we, we bought this mic a while ago. And for some reason, I was like, why haven't we been using this for the podcast? Because my, my fiance was using it more and spit on her desk, so I never look at it. And then I was like, Wait a minute. This. Again, changer.

The last time was over. She was like, why aren't you using this?

Fair question? Well, man, we do, we do have a theme that we're gonna get to later we were able to watch a couple. I don't want to call them old movies, because that would indicate that we are old, which would be impossible.

I don't think that yours is very old, even though that doesn't mean that I'm old. So it's fine. Right? Right. Okay.

But a little bit later, we're gonna be talking about one more unofficial trilogy on the podcast called The 2007. Western trilogy. Only a short brief 15 years ago, did three movies come out that we're not an official trilogy? But we're all very bleak, dark, nihilistic viewpoints of the American last one. But before that, we've been out to the theater. Well, we've been out to the theaters once and then we got some some good streaming service.

Yeah. Television. Oh, yeah. Like I went and saw the movie for you. For you. And then I recommended my show to you. That was you watch that for me. But thank you. Yes. They're both great experiences for both of us. It was actually worked out great.

They were great experiences. So What compelled you to bring me to see Jackass forever?

Okay, we're not gonna lie about this, considering this is 100% your cup of tea? I think I think I think I randomly saw Jack s two. And that was it. And I never saw any of the shows. So I went for you. Although it wasn't it was. It was fun. And the opening scene of that movie is kind of magnificent. Like, when I was starting, like, you just know. And then once it's confirmed, it just becomes funnier. And I genuinely was like, yep, this this sounds about like what I remember this being like, Yep, this is gonna be

Yeah, man. These assholes are crazy. Every single time you almost forget. So Jackass was really, really big when we were growing up. I know. Like, yeah, often on. I think MTV when I would, when I would get home from school in like middle school. And high school is just rerun after rerun, the movie started coming out and they were all just disgusting and exciting and weird and unbelievable that people would do this to themselves. And also I'll still be smiling and cracking jokes as they do. But they're all still really endearing and Jackass forever. We were sitting in the theater, and I was like, Dude, I haven't seen like a raunchy comedy come out since I can remember it really? Well. Yeah. Yeah. Karachi. It was continually disgusting. Oh, yeah. 100% But also, just like the old ones really endearing. And really hilarious. I really, really hope they don't make any more. These guys.

I Well, that's what I even told told you. I think I was like, I know I don't really watch these. But I feel like I have to see that of respect. Because like, even though I don't really watch them. I've seen clips from like a lot of the things that I haven't seen and I'm like, just the fact that they're still alive is impressive.

Yeah, yeah. This one I know.

Well, Johnny Knoxville almost didn't that bowl meant business. So no,

no kidding. What was uh, what was kind of funny was it had kind of similar to scream five. It kind of had that reboot, cool thing going on. Almost a passing of the torch to a younger generation, like revisiting some old dance in a different way, which is great. They they should bring on some younger folks, because some of these things like don't do that. I don't think I've ever we were sitting in the theater like this experience, and I was so tense, or stayed for 90 minutes, like it was so.

And I found myself while being disgusted. I was typically laughing too. So it's odd to feel disgusted and be laughing simultaneously. That is not an experience. I'm used to personally. You considering some of the movies you like to watch and encourage me to watch, I imagine you felt that before that is not a common of emotions for me. So being disgusted about not being able to stop laughing was very interesting.

Yeah, and just the sheer amount of creativity in the ways they can make me cringe is I

don't disagree at all I didn't till this day did like I say till this day like it was decades ago. But, you know, till this day, I can never look at a punching bag the same way again. Like I never again.

No, yeah, I also, I don't want to say exactly what happened for anyone who's going to see this this monstrosity. But I am not a fan of BS in this movie is continued my feeling is no.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So you actually forgot about that. And so you just said that? Oh, now I will never forget about that. And I actually have quite a fear of bears. And so there's a scene in this movie where for me, similar to you, I was just like, white knuckling my life. And I was like, because of the kind of movie it is. I genuinely don't know how this is gonna end. I could see someone die on screen and it's like a surprise.

Yeah, and then the I think the part I laughed hardest in the movie. Not even cringing just cracking up like holding my stomach leaning back in my chair. Laughing was a it was I think it was like a silence of the lambs prank or a dark room. Yeah, yeah.

That was my, that was mine. I did the same thing. And I was laughing really hard. But my favorite part was actually the fact that there are people they're wise enough to not trust each other. So like a door open, guys. Like, I think I found the accent. They're like, No, no, it's probably from the angle. They don't show anything until he goes and then it cuts to that room. They were right. They were right. It was and they were like cast iron. That's

so painful. Oh,

it just looks so painful. Oh, man, that was probably my favorite one too. And that's like in the first 20 minutes of the movie or 15 minutes like it's I mean, it's still worth watching after they're very funny. I'm just saying but for me personally Yeah, like and the funny thing is I thought it was funny but it was the reaction to the door like what when they said that that's when I lost it. I'm like, I don't even know the series as well as you and the fact that they know enough to not trust seemingly good news it's like oh, there's a way out. I don't trust it. Right here in this chaos.

Guys like I will live here I will set up never we literally

sit here with like, snakes it

is great time for the whole family. Get the kids bring the grandma theaters. around the campfire and enjoy a family fun, wholesome.

Even I can't condone anything he just said. I would totally recommend everyone see it, but I would say 16 Plus I love how you're shaking your head.

Your previous generation has been noted

you're like this is the way to teach the children early

on educational film Okay, cool. Adults who have a strong stomach if you had a great time at the movies and don't get grossed out too easily to the point of leaving a theater then go check it out. Yeah, it was really funny. It was surprised Yeah, I'm hearing

I actually agree that that's something I was surprised that like, even though I don't know the characters, the fact that I know they're kind of Legends over the years and how it ends and it does feel kind of endearing by the end which is interesting. And I think part of that is like you said it's like the baton kind of thing it's like there's like the people you remember but then there's new people in that introduce that are like younger generations that look up to them that are now doing things with them and stuff so like Yeah,

yeah, and then also I remember we were rocking out I said this that you know, it's so especially the way prank culture and all these shows have kind of taken over outside of anything that's on TV, but I think that yeah, YouTube shows and how fucking obnoxious it is like how people are so bothersome to others, and how it does doesn't seem like it's in good fun at all seem like it's just for content seeing this and seeing, like sometimes people being primed to really don't enjoy it. But the fact is they signed up for it, they're there. Other moments, their friends felt, it all felt just a little bit kinder than kind of what we're at. That's a weird word for it, but kind of the kind of what we're used to, and it made it feel a lot better to watch.

I actually agree with that, because a lot of these pranks like, that did seem funny as a high school now that I'm in my mid 30s, like when I see them, it's like, sometimes they're funny, but they're also like, like, I'm like, you're kind of douchebag you know, like I really don't like I think the last one that was kind of douche baggy, but I still found really funny was the the pranks with the shampoo on the beach, when people are trying to like wash their hair, and he's secretly squirting shampoo. So it's, it's like never coming out. And there's like even the big bodybuilder who's like getting really mad because it's like, for five minutes straight. He's trying to get it out. And it's getting worse and worse. Like that was the last one that I thought was really funny. And it is kind of shitty, but no one's like getting hurt or anything. And it's not like risking a heart attack or anything. It's just, it's shitty, but it's like it's like borderline Right. Like, it's still really funny. Like, the a lot of a lot of it now. It's just kind of dickish now, so

the big red flag is if the title says social experiment, it's gonna be

Yeah, if it's social experiment. No, basically, that's you nicely saying I'm an asshole. Yeah, exactly. Like for sure. So,

yeah. Oh, highly recommend, I think. Yeah, it was. It was great. Yeah.

It was. It was definitely fun. I didn't regret it. And it was definitely one of the most unique experiences I've had in the last decade easily.

Mm hmm. Yep. And then we also watched on Netflix. Another Korean show, another big budget Korean show that Netflix is using Great job, please keep it up. All of us are dead, which was handed to me from you. It was recommended to me from Jasmine, she overheard something I'd seen positive buzz on the internet. And for the most part didn't disappoint. It was a pretty good and cool zombie thriller.

Yeah. And I had just seen the trailer and maybe want to see it because there was this anime back in the day called High School, the dead that I thought had some really cool ideas. But like, it was like a cool show until it would just have this like, random hentai bullshit throughout it and kind of drove me nuts. And I'm not saying if you like hentai, there's a problem, like whatever you want. But for me, it's felt like a show that was actually a good show that had moments that just had nothing to do with the show. And I just hated it. It was annoying. It's like it went from being a good show to being like, directed by a horny teenager every 10 minutes, you know, like, and it was frustrating, because it's like, there's a great idea here, but it's just getting tanked by this crap. And the show kind of feels like it almost took the high school of that idea, but then actually tried to make like an actual good show out of it, to some extent. And I won't spoil anything, because it is pretty new on Netflix right now. So I don't want to spoil anything, but I'll just say that, whether you like it or not, it has one of the more unique endings that I've seen to a zombie story. Like I would just say most zombie stories ends like almost always the same way. For the most part. This one definitely the ending is not what I expected. And I think there are elements of it that are really cool about what it could mean for the future, whether they do another season or not. But like for that world, and then there are other elements where I felt like it was slightly it could have been more climactic, but overall it was it was solid. But but it has some really great characters. I feel like it has some characters you really hate, which is a good thing to to. Even some even some characters on the somewhat good side, I'll just say there's a girl from the beginning. That is so obnoxiously annoying, and the worst part there, I'll just say there's a character that gets killed and and you know what's going to happen. You're like that pitch. She's so awful. And your dislikes, and then later she wants sympathy. And I'm just like, I hope you die. Like so angry. Yeah, I mean, and then even like the teacher, I'm just No, like, seriously, seriously, she is responsible for deaths of people that are just good people and I just, I hate her. And what I kind of love is I'll just say something happens and I love the way she's handled. It's almost like you think and ARKS half the story is like, fuck, fuck you and your redemption. Literally, when that scene happened, I laughed so hard. I was like, That is wonderful. Yeah, I love it. And it's definitely a show that knows. It tries to make it real it is very radar. So if you're thinking it's gonna be like PG 13 That's not very rated. Are there some pretty gruesome stuff in a good way? It's very entertaining. It definitely feels very kinetic and fresh. You know, it moves pretty fast for the most part. Um, there is some I'd say in the second half of this year. A season, there is some kind of repetitiveness to some things that keep happening, which is a little could have been more interesting. But there is a lot of character growth from at least a few different people and then other people along the way that don't get as much growth, they still establish their personalities and kind of who they are enough for you actually kind of kind of like everybody, you know, for the most part. And I also feel like characters are pretty honest. Like some characters, even if they seem a certain way in the beginning. And they seem like they're getting better or something. There are moments where they kind of revert and you're like, that's well, that's who that person fucking was. I forgot about that. Yeah, like that, that does happen. So I felt like they did a pretty good job. There are some story moments that just drove me nuts. Like I personally felt like I'll just say a certain characters father's coming to help them. And the entire thing that happens is the most pointless stupid thing of all time. It's like, it's probably the only time in the show that it wasn't just like, I didn't like that. It was like, I actually rolled my eyes like, like, there's essentially a sacrifice. That's stupid, because it's literally for nothing, it does nothing. It it's like, we're like, we need a dramatic death here. But it makes no sense. After all of this arc, it's like, it's like there's an entire arc that is actually pointless. It was like probably the biggest downfall of the season for me, like, I would have given it like a good b plus or a minus. And I probably give it like, a b minus a good b minus a fun one. But like, like, there's just things like this where, oh, I don't want to spoil it. I'll just say that there's an arc and you're just kind of like, wait, what, like, there's gonna be a caveat, right? And there's not, it's just like, but that doesn't make any sense. There was no time bot. There was nothing. Like literally it. And the worst part is within the scene, it's actually it's as if he suddenly becomes deeply stupid, and everyone around him is like, why even the characters are like, why? And it's like, I must, it's like, because like a joke for a moment. I don't I don't know what that was. It's like the only episode where I was like,

I don't know what the hell that was. Like, I just, it was so confusing. I was literally sitting there like, the show was doing so well. Like, what was that? Like? So I liked it. It's just there's gonna be one spot that I think even if you're not as analytical as we are, your guys are gonna be like, Oh, come on. Like, there's gonna be one moment and I'm certain that's gonna be it. Like, that's all I'm telling you like, Absolutely. I'm

not going to be there. But that was by far the most disappointing part of the show. We'll talk more about that. Yeah. I also really liked it. I was pleasantly surprised when I started it. I hadn't seen a trailer I just I heard the buzz which all of these Korean and Netflix shows are getting so much buzz. It's awesome.

Well, the crazy thing is Korean shows have been awesome for years. It's like for sure. Or just finding them like you and me. You got me hooked on Korean cinema. I love Korean movies. I hadn't seen a whole lot of shows but I know like K dramas and stuff have been popular for like 1015 years to people outside of the US you know, like

not the quality I mean, another quality leads to it, but just the the word of mouth campaigns that these are sharp in

Yeah, yeah. Great. That's really great. I'm really happy because Korea is great. I love their Yeah, they're probably my second favorite. Yeah,

this the origin cinema. Oh, yeah. This kind of surprised me in a lot of ways. When I saw when I started it like you I thought I haven't seen high school the dead but like, I've heard of it. I thought that's just what it was gonna be. I was like, Oh, so it's gonna be like a zombie survival show in high school. That sounds kind of fun. And it'll we'll see kind of how far they can take this concept. But it was way more than that once they started expanding into the town and the country zombies for the story. And it's just starting to broaden and broaden broaden I was like whoa, I am really into this plus the the zombie transformations how kind of brutal and uncomfortable they were and how kind of spastic the zombies repairing? Definitely takes him to see

definitely takes some cues from trying to Busan, which I loved mentioning. Yeah. Which I love with within the world of the film. Like it's like it's supposed to be based on like, the real world. So people were like, haven't you seen Train to Busan, which I thought was great. I thought it was great. Like, so that was cool.

Yeah. And, like you I loved and hated all the characters. I felt like they were trying to get me to love and hate.

Good way. Yeah, it's like good writing. And like, actually, you've succeeded and then they played the parts well, too, because I was like, I so hate you. Like I just I

do. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Um, all the I don't even know if their kids the this kind of has that. That thing going on where the high schoolers, most of the high schoolers like, look like they're 25 With bowl cuts, you know what I mean?

Yeah, they're actually all Yeah, they're probably all in like, their early 20s or something. Yeah, they're there. And but but you could tell the grade there and they're supposed to be like, 16 or like something around there and you're like, they're probably in their early 20s. But like, you know, whatever.

Yeah, yeah. And the way that uh, not not the high school drama, but just kind of the way that the high school interactions kind of all evolved into something totally either waste while it's always they all evolved into something way stronger when the survival element comes into play. So like, Yeah, different cliques and the kind of the social hierarchies and the the classism that's going on all of it kind of expands, expands in this really, like I don't know about realistic zombies, but believable way where people act in a way where you're like, Oh, you son of a bitch, you would do that? Yeah, yeah,

you totally like you can tell they follow their some of the foreshadowing and some of the character just just like character quirks that are set up. It's important to remember those because, you know, when people get scared, and they're at their wit's end, that's when they'll revert to like, who they are most. And if you remember some of those quirks some things that seems surprising, shouldn't surprise you, if you remember some things that happened earlier, you know, like it kind of showed you that to that person kind of is they're fine when things are going well.

Yeah, but yeah, like. So this one gets, this one gets a really good recommend for me. Unfortunately, if I had a criticism, it lost steam towards the last two or three episodes. For me, I think. I didn't like a few of the conclusions of the storylines that they were building up. And I think although they set up a interesting potential for a second season with some loose threads, I don't think they ended really any of those threads in a satisfying way for reason. I know. It's just kind of like, this is what it is. Now, these characters are still around. There's one character specifically who was very important in the show, I'll just say, the person with the videotapes, who Yeah, this appears like halfway through, and you're like, oh, that's gonna come back pretty vague. And you're like, the show ends and you're like, that's gonna come back pretty good.

Yeah, exactly. I did like the I personally liked the generals. And because I felt like, I felt like that's a very honest end of what, you know, decisions that have to be made, and you make them but still, you know, blah, blah, blah. You know, I thought that was actually a pretty honest portrayal of someone doing their duty to the fullest in a way that's probably is necessary for survival, but doesn't make it easy on them. That makes sense. Like I like yeah, I liked how that was handled personally. Mm hmm. Yeah, I just feel like there are some.

Yeah, I think it felt it's not the best comparison. But it reminded me of Dune where I was like, Well, I can't wait for the second half.

Yeah, I'd probably be like, yeah, it was pretty good. Like, I probably I probably would have given a higher if it wasn't for like, like, that's what I meant by slightly anticlimactic endings, like, like things that just didn't resolve in ways that I think could have been as interesting. I personally thought that ending with, I'll just say, a certain bad guy and a certain lead. That's an ending, I kind of expect, I suppose. But I felt like it was a missed opportunity with let's just say, what happens to this bad guy, this unique thing. There is another character that this person directly affects at the beginning of the season. And I thought there's a huge missed opportunity there, where, since they're both affected in this way, there could have been a very interesting square off that suddenly, even the odds, yeah, I think that there's a really awesome there could have an awesome climactic moment where that kind of Trumps what he wanted, like, I thought it was gonna be like, how it was cornering and then this person shows up and it's like, oh, this is gonna be good. You know, like, I was kind of hoping for something like that. But instead, this person just ends up in a camp and, you know, like, and stuff like, and I was just like, oh, this opportunity is man. I was like, Yeah, and that was one of my favorite shots in the show, when I knew it was gonna get interesting. When a certain person's like, is considering suicide and they're on this roof and they're just looking down on all sudden all the windows. Like that was like, I was like, that's a total like, anime graphic novel shot. Like, it's so cool, like, regular stuff.

It was cool. And then one other thing before we move on the, the way, the outbreak slowly spreads, and you get all these different kind of it was probably my favorite part of the show. It was kind of it was people either different kind of sections of the high school kind of either hearing murmurs or kind of actually saw something to the point where it's just floods of people running like the build up that point was so good. It was it was

fantastic. And what I love is, like you said, like, it took its time, like it really did, like the whole first episode. I'm like, so what I'm like, I'm loving this. It's like, I'm like, so is this gonna be like, like, I didn't even know. But like, you're slowly seeing the threads and you're just like, oh, like, like, I feel like once you start seeing things, you're like, oh, no, this is gonna be bad. It starts happening and you're like, oh, no, not the hospital. Like, oh, you fucked everybody. Just goes, you're just like, okay, like, there's just a series of things that each one you're like, oh, no, oh, no. Oh, No.

And eventually it's martial law. And yeah, there was another. I'm certain it was a Korean show then another Korean zombie show but this one was I think was a 19th century period piece that's also on Netflix that has two seasons.

The Kingdom I've seen the first like two episodes what I thought that was pretty good. So far. It's

pretty freaking cool. Like, that kind of side recommendation. All of us are dead is great. That kingdom was also great. They both kind of have their own like, positives, negatives, but overall, they're both totally worth watching there.

Okay, I'll do that. Because I saw the first because I think the last thing I saw was like, I just remember like the Emperor. And then the person like uses something for some soup. Like, Oh, no. Like, this isn't good. I see what's about.

Yep. And also just the idea of 19th century Korean kind of war times on the show. Yeah, great.

Great suit and suit thing totally fucked up. Unintentional cannibalism. No one's gonna be happy about that. Today. Of I suppose they won't be able to complain about it for too long. And then eventually, they will definitely have appreciated.

Exactly. Okay, that's what's new. Now. Talk about what is old? Us.

30 You know, I'm older than 35. So like, you're still pretty young. You haven't even hit the three out yet? I don't think so.

No, not there yet. Not waiting patiently. Here's the thing, man. So I wanted to I want I brought this up kind of as a momentary thing last week, but I really wanted to talk about this unofficial trilogy, and I thought it was cool to be able to do one more. Yeah, exactly. Because this quote trilogy of movies is three of I don't know if I could have been my top 10. Maybe I would. But I think three of just my favorite movies of all time, and they're all bleak, dark, nihilistic westerns, that all came out in 2007. And all indicate a really kind of sharp turn in society to something much darker. Which Westerns weren't really known for. Westerns were very like knights of King Arthur good guy versus bad guy, legendary kind of films. But then, you know, I don't know what year it came along. But the kind of trend of anti heroes hit Hollywood and all of these kind of morally gray movies started popping up with characters that were doing like really unforgiveable things but they were charming enough for you to be bought in. And all of these hit that a little bit two out of three specifically do but they also indicate just kind of that turn in society not being for the better being about greed and darkness. Yeah, yeah, baldness. And they're all like when I was like, oh, I want to watch all three of these in a row. I was like, fuck, that's gonna be depressing.

just happen to watch no country like two weeks ago, what? When I was when I was sick from my booster. And then the only one of these I had not seen was the Assassination of Jesse James. Yeah. I watch. I watched that yesterday. Perfect.

Movies are for yesterday. I'm Paul Thomas Anderson's There will be blood, if you haven't seen it. But if you haven't seen any of these movies, put it next on your list. starring Daniel Day, Lewis, probably his strongest performance from one of the greatest actors. I ever, you know, and just

you guys know, since we are going into detail about these, there will be spoilers. So yeah. So if you haven't seen these yet, if you're cool with listening, cool, if you want to see them first, this is the point where you might want to pause the podcast, watch the films, then come back, you know, so you guys know.

Yep. So Paul Thomas Anderson's There will be blood will be number one. Number two will be Andrew Dominic's The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, or we'll probably just call it Jesse James, because that's a hell of a title. And the last one, the Coen Brothers No Country for Old Men adapted from the novel No Country for Old Man.

Even though you did that, you were able to say the title exactly in the same tone both times

it was I think there will be blood was adapted from a novel to it could be well, I don't

know Paul, Thomas Anderson writes a lot of his own stuff. So I don't know. Google is written Oh, it is based on a novel by Upton Sinclair. And it was written for the screen by Paul Thomas.

It was called oil let's say not surprising

at all. Okay, so there was blood. Okay, so there will be blood, interestingly enough, was the first Paul Thompson From I ever saw, and I, I had heard of him, but I didn't know much about it. And interestingly enough, I saw it. I was in 2007, I had flown to San Diego, I was on a sponsor team for Halo three, and we were flew down for a tournament. We played Okay, the first day, the second day, we got knocked out. And my family friends lived in San Diego. And I hadn't seen them since they moved there. So she was like, Hey, did you want me to come out and grab you and you can come hang out with us for the day? And I was like, Yeah, sure. So she came out and she brought him home and they had rented There will be blood. So it's one of those movies I might not have even seen, how did they not have just been watching it. And I remember sitting in their living room, and I was supposed to be spending more time with them. But the movie was so good, like from the beginning, that I was completely entranced by the film. And the best part is, they were fine that I wasn't spending time with them, because they were too well, like, literally, everybody was like, it just starts with like the scene in the mind. And you know, like, and then the music is. So it's one of the oddest soundtracks ever, but it matches the film so well. It's kind of unbelievable. It is one of the most unique experiences I have ever had. As a matter of fact, even though there are other films that might be like more of my favorite films. I don't think I have ever been as transfixed by a movie as this film in history of my life, like I. And I remember, the cinematography was fantastic. The direction like the intention of the direction was something I noticed so well. And this was actually my first Daniel Day Lewis film, too. And I really, I think so. And I remember being so in awe of his performance. Until this day, if I had to pick one performance, that is the best performance I've ever seen. It could be this one, it wouldn't be fighting for them. Yeah. And I remember being so transfixed by all of it, that I could not look away, and just watching this character, evolve and grow into this awful human being. And then even the situation with the adoption or the kid like, I don't even remember, it's been a while. I don't remember if that was genuine, or if it was so that he looked good for the people he was trying to sell to, like, like, it's like everything he does, like you just feel like as he gets more corrupt, he has a he has another motive an ulterior motive for everything he does. So even some of the things the moments where he has, where you feel like he's being a human being you don't you never really know if he is or if there's some ulterior motive that he's considered. And also, there is a scene where kill someone who lied to him about something that really matters to him. Yep. Until this day, I think, not even think I'm positive for me specifically on screen it is probably the most realistic murder I've ever seen in my life. Like, it's not overly it's not overly done with blood and stuff. But it's essentially a headshot on someone close range with like, probably like a 22 or something. Yeah, yeah, the thing the thing is, there's not a lot of blood, but in every movie, the headshot, the head explodes, or they get shot in the head, they're just gone. But in real life, that's not always happens. Like sometimes people are alive for a few seconds. Sometimes they're in shock for a while. Sometimes they think they're fine, and then they die. But it's not it's not always a simple and the way the actor performs it, and I imagine that's all direction, you know, but the way it's performed, it's so honest. And then afterwards, the the body movements and everything, because the person's not dead yet. He's still dying. And it's really eerie, like, like, it actually makes my skin crawl because it doesn't look like a movie. Like it looks very real. Um, and it never left my mind because I've rarely seen a scene like that looks so real, you know, and it was just And the funny thing is, if someone were to ask you what the movies about, I feel like the first time someone asked me, I always remembered my answer, because I didn't know what to say. I was like, it's essentially about two very evil people. But one is extremely is so much better at it than the other. The other doesn't even really have a chance. It's kinda like it's about one evil person who meets another crappy person. And it's not even really a competition like like it's see it might seem like it, but everything's a manipulation like one person's three fourths spots ahead the whole time and you kind of realize as it goes forward, and and then it kind of ends in a way that's so satisfying, because both people are awful, but I don't I think most people if you're like me, someone that's smart and awful. Like even though you kind of hate them, you can at least appreciate that they are brilliant at being bad, you know, but like when someone else is like a sniveling, whiny little rat, like you almost like want them to get killed even more because it's like you're just like a cockroach, you know, like you just and so the ending essentially, is essentially me watching a more interesting villain

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